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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

Funding boost supports small charities run vital services

This news post is 9 months old

Diverse range of charities offered support

LifeCare Edinburgh is just one charity awarded cash from the ScottishPower Foundation to help its vital Help at Home and Meals on Wheels services flourish.

The service reaches over 200 local older people living on a low income giving them free support.

Twenty charities across England, Scotland and Wales have been awarded funding totalling almost £1.2 million for projects tackling a range of issues, from cost-of-living support, to promoting diversity and inclusion and raising awareness of the ongoing climate and biodiversity crises.

Melanie Hill, executive officer and Trustee at the ScottishPower Foundation, said: “Projects like LifeCare’s free Help at Home and Meals on Wheels services are a prime example of how the ScottishPower Foundation’s support is helping to create a better future.

“With this year’s projects providing vital support set to aid vulnerable people, communities, and natural ecosystems across the nation, it’s important for us to recognise and boost the incredible work of these charities.”

Sarah van Putten, chief executive of LifeCare said: “The funding rom The ScottishPower Foundation will make a significant difference to the lives of hundreds of local older people.  

“At LifeCare, we believe everyone should be enabled to thrive in their own home and be active within their community.  Over 75% of the people we help live alone and without LifeCare, many older people would be left critically isolated.  

“Our services help people to keep well in both body and mind; delivering fresh, hot and nutritious meals to doorsteps with a smile and a chat, providing help with practical tasks when things are getting more difficult to manage, and offering companionship activities to keep people connected.     

“With a rapidly growing older population we are struggling to cope with demand for care coupled with the rising costs of service delivery. None of our services are fully funded and we rely on our fundraising to sustain our life-affirming services. 

“Thanks to this support we will be enabled to offer our meals on wheels service for free to those that need it and open our Help at Home service for free for those on low incomes for the first time.  We are all extremely grateful.”