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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

Funding to help homeless this winter

This news post is over 5 years old

The Scottish Government has announced further support to help the most vulnerable through the winter months

Extra funding has been set aside to help the homeless this winter.

A range of programmes across Scotland will benefit from £164,000 from the Scottish Govrnment, helping people especially during winter who are rough sleeping and often have backgrounds of significant trauma.

The funding is in addition to the money which local authorities receive from the Scottish Government to support people experiencing homelessness.

The money, from the Ending Homelessness Together Fund, will support: flexible emergency funding so frontline workers can provide immediate help to people at risk of rough sleeping in Edinburgh, Glasgow and Aberdeen; additional emergency beds for the Bethany night shelter in Edinburgh; and an additional link worker for Edinburgh to support people moving through emergency accommodation into mainstream housing.

It will also fund information resources in other languages so people who do not speak English are made aware of the help available and support for rough sleeping outreach services in Ayrshire to meet the challenges of providing effective support in a rural area

The programmes build on the success of projects from previous years, a number of which are now being delivered year-round by local authorities in cooperation with third sector organisations, including the production of new resilience plans for crises like heavy snow.

Housing Minister Kevin Stewart announced the funding on World Homeless Day. He said: “The truth is people experiencing rough sleeping will have backgrounds of significant trauma including domestic abuse, adverse childhood experiences, bereavement, mental and physical ill health and substance use.

“This extra support will help local authorities and organisations on the frontline working tirelessly to safeguard people in crisis with nowhere left to turn.

“Outreach workers will be able to spend more time building relationships with the people they see, concentrating on offering effective support which takes account of each person’s circumstances.

"The final goal remains ending homelessness altogether, however in the shorter term it is important we work hard this winter to provide the right type of support for people who are at risk of experiencing the worst forms of homelessness.”