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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

Funding to help Scotland shop social

This news post is over 6 years old

Scots are being urged to consider social enterprises for their Christmas gifts, with more than 5000 social enterprises operating across the country

A series of new social enterprise programmes have received a funding boost.

More than £396,000 in additional funding from the Scottish Government has been announced this week to support the delivery of eight new social enterprise initiatives.

The money will help boost opportunities and to build upon Scotland’s 5600 social enterprises.

One of the programmes receiving additional funding is the Social Enterprise Retail Academy, which is aimed at getting more ethical products into shops.

Meanwhile, a new website - - has been set up giving ideas for social enterprise presents this Christmas.

Together with a new marketing campaign coordinated by Social Enterprise Scotland, the funding will help raise awareness of social enterprises locally and nationally and tap into a growing desire from consumers to buy ethically.

The funding will expand the impact which this innovative sector can have on reducing inequality, working with communities to tackle tough social issues at source.

Communities secretary Aileen Campbell said: “Social enterprises are a vital partner in our communities and support ethical and worthwhile causes. We want them to achieve their full potential by ensuring they have access to the right resources, knowledge and networks.

“Particularly in the run-up to Christmas and ahead of Fair Saturday this weekend, I would encourage shoppers to support their local social enterprises and businesses and shop ethically for Christmas gifts. A purchase really could have an impact on a local social cause.”

Campbell was joined at the launch of the funding by founder of the Scottish Design Exchange Lynzi Leroy.

She said: “The Scottish Design Exchange exists to provide a space where local artists and designers, and social enterprise businesses, can sell direct to customers on the high street. By supporting us and other social enterprise businesses at Christmas, you will not only have a direct impact on the local economy, you also help to fund businesses that are working hard for social causes.”



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Robert McIntosh
over 6 years ago
This year I am donating the money I would have spent in Christmas cards and postage to Social Bite. I will still send cards to some friends/relatives who cherish them for the contact and news so that they do not feel isolated or lonely.
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