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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

Generous Glaswegians flood charity with presents

This news post is over 10 years old

Thousands of presents donated to Glasgow group for needy kids

A group of mums with a mission to make sure every child in Glasgow wakes up with a Christmas present has been overwhelmed by the city’s generous response.

More than 2,000 shoeboxes filled with 20,000 gifts for children in poverty have been collected and are now being distributed to charities.

It comes after Julie Griffen set up a Facebook page Glasgow’s Spirit of Christmas.

She said: “We have been overwhelmed by the generosity – not just by their generosity, but by their willingness and wanting to be part of donating a gift to make sure a child has a gift to open on Christmas day.

“I’m so pleased that there is this opportunity to be involved and what we found is people get very emotional about this and this appeal has brought that awareness that these families are struggling," said Griffen.

The difference with our gifts is that they are gifts made with love

The appeal asked for decorated shoeboxes filled with treats, toys and essential items to be donated to boys and girls of various ages in and around Glasgow, who would not receive gifts of any kind this Christmas.

Now the group of 25 core volunteers has been overwhelmed with the response.

“We know right now that we have over 2,000 gifts, but within that there are on average 10 units within each box – so really we are talking about 20,000 individual units," Griffen said.

"It really is a lot of gifts that have been donated.

“But the difference with our gifts is that they are gifts made with love. It not just one or two items, they are putting in an average of ten items that are specific to a child’s age and gender.

“The thought that has gone behind these gifts is wonderful, it’s really magical for a child when they are so bespoke. It’s much more personal for each child receiving it, so it’s lovely."

The group is now looking for companies to work with the campaign next year.

The Fire and Rescue Service in Glasgow has said it would open up its stations to accept donations to support the 2015 appeal.

Vans and a warehouse storage facility is also needed for the campaign between October 1 and December 15 to ensure the gifts are out in time for children.