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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

Get your blood pressure checked

This news post is over 8 years old

​Know Your Blood Pressure Day is on Saturday (23 April).

The Stroke Association is encouraging people to look after their health and get their blood pressure checked out.

Around 15,000 strokes happen in Scotland every year and up to 80% of those could be prevented by managing and treating risk factors.

One of these is blood pressure – which is why the charity is holding its annual Know Your Blood Pressure (KYBP) day on Saturday (23 April).

High blood pressure often has no symptoms, so having it measured is the only way to tell if yours is high.

The KYBP campaign helps people to understand the link between high blood pressure and stroke and the Stroke Association has been collaborating with Rotary International in Scotland to host events throughout April.

To find out more, click here.

Under pressure: Ivan's story

In 2009, my optician discovered a clot behind my eye. I didn’t feel unwell or anything, but I was put on aspirin by my Doctor.

Two months later I was at the Retirement Show, an exhibition in Glasgow. I saw the Stroke Association taking people’s blood pressures at a Know Your Blood Pressure stall. I had mine done and it was very high. I was advised to go straight to the doctor, which I did. He was very glad to see me because had I left it any longer the clot that they had found previously, could have moved to the brain and caused a stroke.

I was shocked. I didn’t know much about blood pressure at that time and did not know high blood pressure could cause a stroke.

I am now on blood pressure medication and use a monitor to keep a regular check on how my blood pressure is doing.

Had it not been for the Stroke Association’s checking my blood pressure that day, I might not be in the place that I am today. I think it is really important for everyone to get their blood pressure checked.

I have since been diagnosed with AF – which is an irregular pulse and a risk factor for stroke. I am now on medication for that too.

I am much more aware of how things can creep up on you now and end up affecting your life dramatically. Minding your own health is vital.



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maria benefield
over 8 years ago
All adults are at risk of high blood pressure. Many people don’t have any symptoms of high blood pressure so a check-up is the only way to see if there is a problem. I suffered from hypertension (181/119). Luckily, a friend of mine sent me the link . It helped my blood pressure to drop faster and maintain at a stable rate of over two months. Within five days my blood pressure started to fall, and by day 15 it was down at 129/89. A week later and it was 120/78, and it has stayed around that level for six weeks now.
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