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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

Glasgow homeless need more than shelter says health boss

This news post is over 7 years old

Offering shelter is not enough to tackle Glasgow's homelessness crisis

A housing summit in Glasgow has been told efforts need to improve if the city is to solve its homelessness problem.

Susanne Millar, chief officer of Glasgow’s health and social care partnership, said there was not an issue with available accommodation but those with greatest need weren’t being readily identified via support services.

Millar told the conference: “We are not getting enough people though quickly enough from homeless to housing.

"While we want to focus on those sleeping rough on the streets last night or tonight in Glasgow , looking at a snapshot is not providing solutions."

The priority should be on those with chaotic lifestyles and multiple problems she said.

Billy Mitchell, former night shelter manager with Glasgow City Mission said more services were vital. “Almost every night we have someone with mental health issues,” he said.

Lorraine McGrath, of the Simon Community, told of people who had come through the City Ambition Network (|CAN).

She said one man ‘Peter’ had been rough sleeping for seven years and eventually through the CAN he was able to get an sustain a tenancy.

A recent report claimed four homeless people are dying every month on the streets of Glasgow - one death each week.

Shelter Scotland estimate that as many as 5,000 people sleep rough in Scotland every year, while over 10,000 households were in temporary accommodation last year.



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over 7 years ago
That is scary to be homeless, I cannot even imagine how it feels like and do not want to experience it myself or my friends and families to experience this some day or another. I think there is no point in waiting some actions from government. Only community can help, different organizations like custom writing company can provide financial support to the city to improve situation.
0 0
over 7 years ago
That is scary to be homeless, I cannot even imagine how it feels like and do not want to experience it myself or my friends and families to experience this some day or another. I think there is no point in waiting some actions from government. Only community can help, different organizations like can provide financial support to the city to improve situation.
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over 7 years ago
Homeless people is actually a double edged sword at some point. I am the worse person on the Earth at this point but, I'm honest. Homeless people disgust me. I do understand how hard it's for them. And i often help with some money but, the fact is fact: the dirt, the way of living, the smell - this is just disgusting. For sure they didn't choose this way. That's why i can bear with them at some point. If you need help writing essay just visit
0 0
almost 7 years ago
That is very much true and nice research by the health ministry about the homeless people. I use to think only about the lack of home and food to the homeless people. But, when I read an blog survey report I came to know their health suffering and how those people are getting affected to deadly diseases.
0 0
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