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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

Goodmoves launches in Europe

This news post is almost 11 years old

Scottish third sector jobs website Goodmoves is set to become a source for social sector jobs across Europe

Scotland's third sector jobs website Goodmovesis taking a lead in Europe with the launch of a new international website promoting civil society jobs

The site, Scotland's only dedicated jobs portal, launched at the European Parliament in Brussels this week with the support of the European Network for National Civil Society Organisations (Enna).

This initiative will bring organisations closer together while offering EU citizens jobs within a thriving third sector - Maureen O'Neill MEP

Since launching in 2004, Goodmoves, which is run by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO), has become the leading site for third sector jobs in Scotland, advertising over 2,800 posts last year.

It now aims to emulate this success across Europe.

Goodmoves Europe will operate as a franchise with national umbrella bodies promoting the Goodmoves brand in their respective countries.

John Ferguson, director of development at SCVO, said Goodmoves was instrumental in promoting the breadth of career opportunities within the third sector in Scotland.

"Goodmoves has been much more than a jobs site," he said. "It has given the wider public an insight into the sector enabling them to see the scope of careers on offer, what the sector does and encouraging people to see it as a viable career path outwith the public and private sectors."

He added: "Our partners in Europe have been encouraged by its success so it seems a natural progression to expand across the continent."

Oliver Henman, president of Enna, said the European social economy was now far stronger and now many career opportunities across the continent were being created.

"The time is right to start to build on these opportunities as more become available," he told TFN.

"Post-recession we are seeing a buoyant civil society and jobs are being created. Goodmoves Europe will enable national umbrella organisations to define and promote their own sector better."

Since its launch Goodmoves has advertised over 25,000 posts and has 50,000 visitors each month.

Maureen O'Neill MEP, president for employment social affairs and citizenship for the EU's economic and social committee, said the model was a proven success.

"Europe is about partnership working," she said. "This initiative will bring organisations closer together while offering EU citizens jobs within a thriving third sector."