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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

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Group aims to offer Brexit support

This news post is over 6 years old

The EU Citizens’ Rights Project has created a website to help those who fear for their future after Brexit

A new support service for EU citizens who fear for their future after Brexit has been launched.

A website with information about EU citizens’ rights before and after Brexit has been created by a campaign group.

The EU Citizens’ Rights Project has created the tool to help the 235,000 citizens of the EU countries living in Scotland who will be affected by Brexit.

The website is a vital resource to the EU citizens and organisations supporting them, and it includes a guide to Settled Status, as well as a wide range of multimedia resources with advice and information about Brexit process from UK and Scottish Governments and EU institutions.

Chair of the project, Mark Lazarowicz, said: “In the past three months we travelled across Scotland with public events on EU citizens’ rights. We have also conducted a series of consultations and focus group discussions with EU citizens, their employers and groups working with them. This all has showed a real need for such a resource, and informed us on the final shape of the website.”

Dorota Peszkowska, project coordinator, highlighted the need for ongoing support to keep the website online.

She said: “As every day brings new developments on Brexit and EU citizens’ rights, the website needs to be updated on regular basis. We also gather feedback on the go, to post online as many useful and fact-checked resources as possible. So far we have sections on EU citizens’ rights to reside, to work, to access education, NHS and other public resources and more.”

The website is currently available in English, Polish, Spanish and Romanian. Two more language versions are in preparation. The site has been developed with the financial help of Scottish Government Brexit Stakeholder Engagement Fund.