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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

Half of disabled PIP claimants have had benefits cut by DWP

This news post is almost 8 years old

​Ongoing reviews mean claimants need to prove they are entitled to benefits - and often fail to do so

Nearly half of all Personal Independence Payments (PIP) claimants had their money cut or halted last year due to ongoing “planned reviews” which constantly reassess their entitlement.

Disability News Service obtained unpublished figures from the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) showing that the number of PIP claimants who had their payments reduced after a review of their entitlement rose from less than 10% in 2014 to nearly 20% in 2016.

The proportion who lost their PIP completely after a planned review increased from 13% in 2014 to nearly 25%, or one in four of all reviews, in 2016.

It means that nearly half (45%) of PIP claimants who had a planned review of their award in 2016 either saw it cut or lost it entirely.

Everyone on disability living allowance (DLA) is migrating to the PIP system which involves a series of initial assessments to confirm eligibility.

However even if a claimant initially qualifies for PIP, the new regime of reviews means they constantly fear having their payments cuts or, worse, halted.

The DWP describes a PIP review as “an opportunity to look at entitlement at set intervals to ensure the claimant continues to get the right amount.”

As PIP is mostly aimed at people with long-term conditions, most of which do not improve, campaigners say they it is unlikely such a high proportion of claimants’ conditions are improving within a few years.

Disabled researcher Stef Benstead, from the Spartacus Network – a group of group of disabled and chronically ill camapigners - said: “I think any change made, whether to guidelines or training or legislation, should be publicised, so sick and disabled people know what they’re facing.

The government will probably argue that it is improving the accuracy of assessments.

“But its arguments regarding the mobility threshold, aids and appliances, and now on mental health, show that it has no evidence that people are getting more help than they need, and plenty of evidence that people are getting less help than they need.

“It’s disturbing that the government plays with benefit assessments in this way without any scrutiny, justification or decent evidence.

“If it’s going to shaft people, at least let it do so in the open.”

Last week Labour’s Derek Twigg told MPs: “I just cannot understand why some of the people who come to see me have not been awarded their [PIP].

“I have had experience of cases such as these over a number of years now, and I have never come across such difficult cases as those I have seen recently.”

Anita Bellows, a Disabled People Against Cuts researcher, said it looked like the figures were being deliberately covered up.

“Interestingly, and unlike employment and support allowance, these reassessment statistics are not published as part of DWP normal statistics releases,” she said.

“It looks like DWP is not keen to have these figures in the public domain.”

Genevieve Edwards, director of external affairs at the MS Society, said the figures show that PIP currently isn’t working for those who rely on it.

"According to our own estimates, one in five people with MS have lost access to some or all of their mobility support after being reassessed from DLA. And new rules introduced last month will make it even harder for people to access PIP.

“Living with a long-term and unpredictable condition like MS is hard enough; it shouldn’t be made harder by a welfare system that doesn’t make sense. The government must improve PIP assessments to reflect the realities of living with MS.”

A spokesperson for the DWP said the data was not complete as the system was still transferring people from DLA to the new payments.

“Many claimants moved across to PIP will not have had award reviews yet and therefore will not be represented in the data,” they said.



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Jean heale
almost 8 years ago
Have gone from highest rate of disability and mobility allowance to zero. My husband has to help me bathe plus dress he has also put a small kitchen complete with toaster microwave fridge and kettle upstairs Have blue cards to help park close to where I need to go I have osteoarthritis which affects most of my body and am in constant pain my daughter who is at uni in Hastings comes home every week to do laundry and change bedding which I can no longer do This isn't the life I expected when I got older but I can only get worse not better How can someone who was in my home for thirty minutes tell me that I don't need all the help I get from family members do they realise the utter humiliation of answering their questions Because of medication I get very confused yet they say I can plan a journey on my own yet I can't even walk to the end of my road which consists of five houses to walk past have tried but my husband had to run back for the car I don't know what to do know the allowance helped keep the house warm in the winter I expect that next winter will be very cold
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Roy Cutler
almost 8 years ago
Is it fact that ,although having been granted PIP untill 2020 ,I may face a review of my award under new guidelines ?
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almost 8 years ago
My high rate daily living award was granted until oct 2017. ive been diagnosed with two more health problems since my previous award and im in a worse place now...medically...than i was before. I was called for reveiw in jauary and within a week, I received a letter telling me that I was entitled to ZERO !!!! Conditions are as follows....Neurocardiogenic syncope Kyphosis (curvature of the spine) Flattening of the lumber lordosis Fibromyalgia Flat feet Guttate psoriasis Nail psoriasis Palmoplanter psoriasis Social anxiety Depression AgraphobiaI feel pi*+ed off but I know there are so many more people worse affected than me. Some people have lost there car as well and their independance. I really don't know what the future holds for me....or anyone that has had the same outcome as me. Just keep signing any petitions that arise..... us POOR DISABLED folk have to stick up for each one else is !!!!!
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almost 8 years ago
I've got to go for pip assment in a couple of weeks I was diagnosed with cryinoc paine syndrome 2 years ago mental health problems which caused me to selfarm regerly which long term condition and now I've got other on going problems and not expecting anything good comeing out of it
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collette metcalfe
almost 8 years ago
I had mine awarded by a tribunal till 2017 july..and because i cudnt attend a assessment by ATOS..due to a bad fall they didnt ring or send 2nd app out just stopped it in oct..i only nu because wasnt pain into bank ...i sent all medical reasons why.and they sed no am in limbo!!! Cant get anyone to always full..have to use taxi's because cant use public transport...and now i am in quite alot of wayout..of it all like money struggling with rent c/tax amm bills..i cant sleep prop cant eat just cruel but they dont care wonder if any of them lazy gud for knothin conserves wud do if table turned on then ????
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Lorraine Richardson
almost 8 years ago
I have c o p d and Ashma bad and trouble walking longer than 10 mins. My kids look after me take it in tern they got me wheel chair .I m in flat I would love to get put but car is not good so I'm in more than put. Breathing gets hard and my back legs pain bad I have arthritis .I m on standers rate but I think should get higher for mobility please help
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Simon King
almost 8 years ago
Welfare Reforms were brought in, solely to save the Exchequer as much money as possible..........Even if this meant driving as many as possible to suicide! It is in direct violation of the European Court of Human Rights as well as a direct violation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which the UK government are signatories to!If these charities want to do something other than giving bland statements, they should unite and take this, the most loathsome, evil of governments EVER, to the international court under Articles 2 & 4 of the Convention for the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, which we, the persecuted few, have EVERY RIGHT to demand!!!
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about 4 years ago

Went from 11 points to 0 after phone consultation that lasted 1 hour 40 minutes. Questions include : do you use a trolley or basket at supermarket? Where do you park at supermarket? Assessor trying to falsely sympathetic with info about her migraines?? Absolute grilling at 9 am. Awful. So for years I was getting PIP wrongly because now I have not met any criteria yet I presented new evidence. Mobility award went too. So ... someone has to tackle DWP behaving like this and also publish actual figures about reviews leading to losing benefit. I suspect PIP is easy benefit to cut because of mounting furlough bill etc because many claimant are too timid to speak up

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Mac McIntyre
about 4 years ago

After 7 years I went from 11 points to zero. And mobility went too. One hour 40 minutes at 9 am grilled by assessor who was intent on asking do I use a basket or trolley at supermarket? Also assessor tries on this friendly chatty style to try to gain your confidence including saying they have terrible migraines too etc. Try telling someone about fibromyalgia over a phone? Obviously cuts being made to make up furlough drain. Also, makes you feel that you’ve been telling lies for years. Awful phone experience. Worse than face to face

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almost 3 years ago

both my parents were on the highest dvla lvl for 17 years, my mother has polio and many more conditions, my father even more issues. dla/dwp forced them to go pip and now my mother gets half and my father only a third of what they were getting, disputes were ignored, they firmly stood by their decision! my brother has cerebral palsy, ignored the letters and remained with dvla and to date still gets his highest, they eventually stopped sending termination letters. Any one that goes from dla to pip will certainly loose at least half of the help if not all.... no matter your proof!!! trust me I had everything I needed to keep them on the highest lvl.

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