Cannabis users demand legalisation of Class B drug
Hundreds of drug users are descending on Glasgow’s George Square to show their support for the legalisation of cannabis.
Organised by the Glasgow Cannabis Social Club, the annual event sees campaigners come together from across the UK to call for the legalisation of the Class B drug.
Among the speakers are Jim Duffy, a former chairman of the Scottish Police Federation, who now speaks for pressure group Law Enforcement Against Prohibition (LEAP) as well as representatives from Cannabis Is Safer Than Alcohol (CISTA).
A spokesman from Glasgow City Council previously said the protestors were denied permission because the event "appeared to encourage the use of cannabis and it was felt that this would not be appropriate".
Campaigners are hitting out against stories in the media saying cannabis usage is dangerous and caused health problems.
One campaigner, Paul Ferry from Edinburgh, told TFN: “This is a peaceful event which has the support from all sections of society.
“We want to get the message across that cannabis use is less dangerous than alcholo and far less of a public health problem.”