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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

Hutters hold Glasgow rally

This news post is about 10 years old

​Hutters' rally set to take place this weekend in Glasgow in a bid to grow the movement

Around 150 people are expected to attend a hutters’ rally at Maryhill Burgh Hall in Glasgow this weekend (Saturday 12 July).

Organised by Reforesting Scotland’s A Thousand Huts campaign, delegates at the rally will debate the revival of hutting in Scotland, and the formation of a new hutters’ federation.

It comes on the back of a recent Scottish Planning Policy publication supporting for the first time the construction of huts in rural settings for recreational accommodation.

Meanwhile, A Thousand Huts has just launched its survey of prospective hutters, inviting anyone who would like to have a hut of their own (or the use of one) to go online and provide information to help shape the future of hutting in Scotland.

Hut availability is still extremely limited in Scotland, but things are changing fast

“Hut availability is still extremely limited in Scotland, but things are changing fast," said Karen Grant, one of the campaign co-ordinators.

“While current hut supply is nowhere near enough to meet demand, recent policy changes mean there’s a good chance that new opportunities will begin to emerge soon, with the possibility of significant improvement in the next year or two.

“The growing network of hut enthusiasts will be able to start creating opportunities of its own – on private land, public land, and community owned land.”

A history of huts in Scotland
The history of hutting in Scotland is largely associated with a working class movement that developed early in the 20th century when small holiday huts began to be built on land close to Scotlandʼs main industrial cities. The best known of these sites is at Carbeth in Stirlingshire. Recent years have seen a resurgence of interest in hutting, as more and more people feel a need to connect with the land in a sustainable way. Until now, planning rules and land access have formed barriers which prevent many people having the chance to spend time in huts in the countryside. However, that is beginning to change with land reform legislation and community right-to-buy.


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Donald McPhillimy
about 10 years ago
People all over Europe and north America have access to huts, cabins, summer houses in rural areas. Why shouldn't Scots have the same opportunity ? Maybe then there would be a bit less emphasis on alcohol and drugs as a means of escape.
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