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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

Join Scottish protests against US President Donald Trump

This news post is about 6 years old

Protests will be held in Glasgow, Dundee, Edinburgh and Aberdeenshire on Friday 13 July and Saturday 14 July

Scottish protests against US President Donald Trump will take place in Edinburgh, Glasgow, Dundee and Aberdeenshire this weekend to coincide with his visit to the UK.

Scotland United Against Trump is a coalition of organisations and individuals that have come together to protest against the policies and politics of Trump and the corporate interests for whom he governs.

It expects thousands of people to take to the streets across Scotland.

The coalition includes the STUC, SNP, Labour, and the Greens as well as Scotland Against Trump, the group which organised protests following his election in 2016.

Dave Moxham, STUC deputy general secretary, said: “All of the organisations coming together for these protests agree that Donald Trump’s presidency is proving every bit as dangerous and divisive as people feared.

“Trump’s administration represents corrupt corporate interests – cutting taxes for the rich, attacking workers’ rights, undermining democracy, endangering action on climate change, and stoking resentment based on racism, sexism, transphobia and bigotry. At the very moment when the world needs more solidarity, more cooperation, and a greater commitment to justice, he proposes to build walls and wants to turn us against each other.”

Kirsty Haigh of the Campaign organisation, Scotland Unite Against Trump, said: “Trump likes to talk up his Scottish connections, but we are going to show that his politics are not welcome here. A growing coalition of organisations and campaigns are coming together to say that Scotland will stand united against Trump. Over the next month, we’re going to be building support for two massive days of actions with a rally in Glasgow and national demonstration and festival in Edinburgh. We will also send a message to the Tory government that we will not tolerate their pandering to Trump.”

Protests will take place in Glasgow’s George Square and Dundee’s City Square at 5pm on Friday 13 July, and on Saturday 14 July at 11am at Trump’s golf course in Balmedie Aberdeenshire and at noon outside the Scottish Parliament in Edinburgh.