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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

Judy Murray supports Mother’s Day appeal

This news post is about 5 years old

Mary's Meals is asking supporters to help feed a hungry child by buying something special for their mums

Judy Murray has revealed that she enjoys a joke with her sons – and that they call her banter ‘bonter’, short for bottom drawer banter.

She explains: “We have a lot of banter together. Well… they say that their banter is top drawer and that what I have is ‘bonter’ – and that’s bottom drawer. I disagree of course!”

The British tennis coach shared her thoughts on being a mum with Mary’s Meals, a charity that feeds more than 1.6 million hungry children in 18 countries around the world every school day. These nutritious meals attract children to the classroom, where they receive an education that can be their route out of poverty.

The charity has launched a campaign, Mums Make Mary’s Meals, in recognition of the important role mothers play in its mission.

Reflecting on what it means to be a mum, Judy said: “It means a lifetime of looking after your children. You realise that you’re responsible for creating the environment in which the kids can learn and develop and hopefully thrive.

“One of the most challenging things about being a mum is finding the right way to put your point across. What to say, when to say, how to say and when to say nothing at all. And the best thing is the unconditional love and the fun that you have together.”

This Mother’s Day, Judy is asking people to support Mary’s Meals by sending the amazing women in their life a special gift card. Priced at £15.90, each card will feed a hungry child for a whole school year with Mary’s Meals.

Daniel Adams, UK executive director of Mary’s Meals, said: “Judy talks about her sons with such joy, love and dedication. It’s a truly beautiful thing and it’s this same motherly love that we see so often at the heart of our mission to feed hungry children – women from all around the world uniting to give children the very best start in life.

“In more ways than one, mums make Mary’s Meals. From the loving volunteers who rise with the sun to prepare the food for their hungry children, to our dedicated supporters here in the UK who give so much; every little act of love is cause for celebration.”

Judy first became aware of Mary’s Meals when her parents visited the charity’s shop in her hometown of Dunblane. This encouraged her to read The Shed That Fed A Million Children, the book written by the charity’s founder, Magnus MacFarlane-Barrow.

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Making sacrifices for my son

Judy Murray supports Mother’s Day appeal

Widowed mum of six, Mariam, rises at the crack of dawn to help prepare huge pots of curry and rice at her son’s school in India.

Like so many selfless women who gift their time to prepare and serve Mary’s Meals, Mariam makes sacrifices so her son, Pradip, can have the chance of a better life.

“I myself didn’t go to school,” Mariam explained. “I’m totally illiterate and I don’t want the children of my community to be the same. I hope they become educated. I’d like Pradip to finish school with good results.”

In India, those born into poverty have little opportunity, so the food provided by Mary’s Meals is precious. For Pradip, the food prepared by volunteers like his mum gives him and his friends the energy to learn and play.

“I come to school hungry, so I look forward to eating the food. My mum cooks for all the children here. I like the food she cooks. It makes me feel so good and full."