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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

Kelly Macdonald voice of Brave cheers up Yorkhill kids

This news post is over 9 years old

Golden Globe-nominated actress visits Yorkhill Hospital

Young patients in Glasgow received a dream Christmas gift as Kelly Macdonald – the voice of Merida in Brave – visited them at the Royal Hospital for Children.

One of Scotland’s best known ex-pats, Kelly met kids and their families on the wards as part of a visit organised by Yorkhill Children’s Charity.

The Golden Globe-nominated actress is an ambassador for the charity and has lent her backing to their Christmas Appeal, which aims to raise £150,000 for a state-of-the-art 4D cardiac scanner.

Mum-of-two Kelly said: “I am delighted to be supporting the Little Hearts Appeal this Christmas. Yorkhill Children’s Charity always go that extra mile to make sure the hospital is as special as it can be at this time of the year, with lots of fun activities and games.

I would encourage everyone to help support children and their families

“I would encourage everyone to help support children and their families who are patients at the Royal Hospital for Children this Christmas and beyond.”

A proud Glaswegian, Kelly received widespread praise for her role in the Oscar-winning Disney/Pixar film Brave in 2012 and is also known for her roles in Nanny McPhee, Harry Potter, Trainspotting and TV drama Boardwalk Empire.

Kirsten Sinclair, director of fundraising, Yorkhill Children’s Charity, said: “It is fantastic that Kelly was able to take time out of her busy schedule to visit the kids, most of whom are huge fans of Brave and Harry Potter.

“And with just a couple of weeks until our first Christmas at our new home, we’re thrilled that Kelly is backing our appeal which will go towards equipment for the cardiology unit.”

Yorkhill Children’s Charity continues to provide vital enhancements at the new hospital and has funded around £5.5m in equipment and service delivery including the £1m interactive play area and the Yorkhill MediCinema.

To donate £5 to the Christmas Appeal, text YORKHILL to 70555. You can also call 0141 212 8750 or visit



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over 9 years ago
Nice work Kelly. One point: I don't think Kelly is still an expat. She moved back to Glasgow from Brooklyn last year.
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