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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

Know someone who enjoys a good read?

This news post is over 8 years old

Charities can apply for copies of Secrets and Confessions, this year's Scottish Book Week free book, to give out to clients who enjoy a good read

Charities working with clients who enjoy reading can get copies of a brand new book full of moving, funny and unusual secrets and confessions by Scottish writers.

Book Week Scotland, which runs from 21 to 27 November, includes the gift of a free book of stories to people who may benefit from it.

This year's book is Secrets and Confessions, a selection of personal stories from people all over Scotland. It comes in a pocket and bag friendly A5 format, and contains a mix of prose and poetry.

This lovely, pocket sized book is a great, easy way to encourage the people you work with to take part in Book Week Scotland

Every piece is short, under 1,000 words, and there are a very diverse range of pieces – everything from sibling pranks and dyed hair to mental health and dealing with grief. All tell a true story that reflects someone’s personal experience.

The minimum order is 25 books and you can order any amount you like over this. The book is suitable for people aged 14 and above.

Philippa Cochrane, head of reader development at the Scottish Book Trust, said: "This lovely, pocket sized book is a great, easy way to encourage the people you work with to take part in Book Week Scotland.

"If you would like to gift your clients, your volunteers, your staff or anyone visiting your organisation copies of Secrets and Confessions, you can order books by clicking here and completing the SurveyMonkey form. If the A5, hard copy format is not accessible for the people you work with there will be audio and a range of digital versions available on our website from the beginning of Book Week Scotland."

Book Week Scotland runs from 21 to 27 November and encourages people all over Scotland to celebrate books and reading wherever they are.