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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

LGBTI people victims of numerous hate crimes

This news post is over 7 years old

A study by the Equality Network has revealed the extent of hate crimes in Scotland

A charity study has revealed the extent to which LGBTI people are the victim of hate crimes.

New research has revealed that 60% of LGBTI people have experienced hate crime multiple times, and a fifth have experienced it more than 10 times

Scottish LGBTI (lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and intersex) charity the Equality Network has published the Scottish LGBTI hate crime report 2017.

Based on a detailed survey of 1,445 people in Scotland, the report is the country's most comprehensive study of hate crime against LGBTI people. It is published in advance of Hate Crime Awareness Week, which starts tomorrow (Saturday 14 October).

Two thirds of LGB (lesbian, gay and bisexual) people, and four fifths of trans people, have experienced hate crime. In nine out of ten cases they have been subject to more than one hate crime. A total of 18% of LGB people and 30% of trans people have experienced more than 10 hate crimes.

"Hate crime is a serious concern for many LGBTI people,” said Hannah Pearson, policy coordinator at the Equality Network.

“We were shocked to find how many people have experienced repeated hate crime. These crimes are unacceptable in 21st century Scotland. Although the report makes for difficult reading, we hope that people will find it informative and useful, and together, we can work in tackling all forms of hate crime.”

The most frequent types of hate crime experienced were verbal abuse and threats, followed by physical attack, online abuse and sexual assault. The most common location for hate crime is in the street, followed by public venues such as pubs and cafes.

The research found that most hate crime is not reported to police. 71% of LGBTI people who experienced hate crimes did not report any of them to the police, and only 5% reported all of them. Reasons given were thinking that the crime was "not serious enough", believing nothing would be done, hearing of others' poor experiences after reporting, and fear of the consequences.

On the positive side, when people do report hate crime, more of them are satisfied with the help they get from the police than was the case a few years ago - 41% were satisfied with the police response and 39% dissatisfied. However, where the crime they experienced was prosecuted, only one quarter were satisfied with their interaction with the Procurator Fiscal and with the court, and half were dissatisfied.

The report makes a range of recommendations to ensure better responses to hate crime, to encourage reporting of hate crimes to police, and to prevent hate crime.

Pearson added: "We welcome that we had the opportunity to train a national network of LGBTI police liaison officers last year, but we know that further training in LGBTI issues is needed for all police, as well as Procurator Fiscal Service staff.

“Leadership against prejudice from the Scottish Government and local government, including education in schools, remains vital in preventing hate crime."