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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

Longstanding charity chief executive to step down

This news post is about 2 years old

Suzy Goodsir will leave her role at Greener Kirkcaldy after 11 years. 

The chief executive of a Fife climate charity has announced she is to step down from her role after 11 years at the helm. 

Suzy Goodsir will leave Greener Kirkcaldy’s having been one of five volunteers who founded Greener Kirkcaldy in 2009. 

She became a member of staff in 2012 and has led the charity through a decade of growth. 

Greener Kirkcaldy now has around 40 staff, 100 volunteers and close to 1,000 members. 

She said: “I have loved being a part of Greener Kirkcaldy since the very beginning and it has been a privilege to help it to grow such strong foundations. I’m very proud of what we do, particularly our role in reducing climate emissions and supporting people in hardship in our community.

“Greener Kirkcaldy has developed greatly over the last 11 years and we’re at an exciting point in the creation of a new Strategic Plan. Our Community Consultation is running until the middle of January.

“We have an amazing team of staff, trustees and volunteers, and we work with fantastic partner organisations and funders. The charity is in good shape financially and has strong support from our community.

“It is now time for a change for me, and time for a new leader to take Greener Kirkcaldy on the next stage of its journey.

“I’ll be taking a career break before looking for my own next challenge – I’m looking forward to taking some time off to do some volunteering and spending more time with my family.” 

Christine May, chair of the Greener Kirkcaldy Trustees, thanked Suzy for her work with the charity, with the chief executive to stay in post until March. 

She said: “Everyone at Greener Kirkcaldy is so proud of the way Suzy has developed and led the charity to be such an integral part of Kirkcaldy and the wider community. We know how highly she is respected by all those she has worked with. The management committee thank her for all she has done and wish her well for the future. We are delighted that she will be with us for a while yet and will help plan for her successor.”



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