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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

Mary’s Meals bids to feed a million children around the world

This news post is over 10 years old

​From Eastern Europe to the Caribbean Mary's Meals currently feeds 920,000 impoverished school children every day - it hopes to soon reach one million

A charity campaign has launched to feed one million hungry children, and more, every day.

Mary’s Meals, which began in Malawi in 2002, currently provides over 920,000 impoverished children with a nutritious meal in a place of education every day they attend school.

The charity is hoping to soon reach one million children by raising awareness, and increasing donations, of its school feeding programmes in some of the world’s poorest countries.

Its latest fundraising campaign has been launched by big-hearted pupils at St Thomas’ Primary School in Glasgow who are encouraging people in their local community to sign up.

St Thomas holds Mary’s Meals close to its heart having worked hard organising fundraisers such as non-uniform days, colouring competitions, cake and candle sales, and coin trails, as well as sponsored events raising thousands of pounds over the years.

We take for granted that we will be fed each day and go to school. We want to give these children the same opportunity

Marc McLaughlin, 11, explained why the charity is so important to the school: “We take for granted that we will be fed each day and go to school. We want to give these children the same opportunity.

“For the price of a cinema ticket or shopping trip, a child could be fed for a whole year. We have so many trips and opportunities that these children don’t get, and we know how lucky we are. It’s great that we can have fun in school while raising money for Mary’s Meals.”

Mary’s Meals was founded in a garden shed in Argyll and continues to keep its running costs low so at least 93p of every £1 donated is spent directly on charitable activities.

By providing food in a place of education, it attracts hungry children into the classroom where they can learn, thrive, and work towards a more positive future.

It costs just £12.20 to feed a child with Mary’s Meals for a whole school year and the charity works across five continents, supporting children in Africa, Asia, Eastern Europe, Latin America, and the Caribbean.

Magnus MacFarlane-Barrow, its founder and chief executive, said: “Today, around the world, 57 million children miss school because of poverty. Instead of sitting in a classroom getting an education, they are working in fields, begging on street corners, or scavenging among the garbage to survive.

“Our vision is that every child should be able to receive one good meal every day in a place of education. Working together with people who share our ideals, we believe that our vision can be achieved in this world of plenty, where there is enough food for everyone.

“By supporting our Make it a Million campaign, you are joining a movement of people helping to transform the lives of impoverished children and communities around the world.”

For more information, please visit or follow the campaign on twitter and facebook by searching the hastag #makeitamillion.