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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

Mask makers seek charity partners

This news post is almost 5 years old

Edinburgh Mask Makers have produced 4,000 masks for use by key workers - and are looking for more partners

An online movement which has seen thousands of face masks made is looking for charity partners.

Edinburgh Mask Makers was set up as a resource page for anyone wishing to make fabric masks as protection during the coronavirus pandemic.

The group now has almost 1000 members, who have handcrafted thousands of masks for those who are on the front line in the community response.

“The group started two weeks before lockdown, and we have been going ever since,” said founder Rosie Sinclair. “It started because my mum had a friend who was a GP, and she was asking if anyone was available to make masks.

“I put a message out on the Meadows Share Facebook page and got a lot of responses. It took off from there and we now have 1000 members and have made more than 4000 masks.”

The initiative sees members of the group get tips on how to make masks. Members can the drop off the masks they have made at four deposit boxes, constructed by Edinburgh Tool Library, across the city. The items are then collected twice a week by the Tool Library and taken to the library’s depot. After being counted, they are then redistributed by being collected from the depot or handed out to groups by volunteer drivers.

The response to the initiative has been great, and Sinclair said she volunteers get a lot from producing the items which help to keep people safe. She said: “From the outset it wasn’t just about making masks – it helps you feel useful. Personally, I wanted to feel like I was doing something to help. Making the masks is very good for your mental health.”

The group is now looking to link up with more charities, as it has a steady supply of masks which can be used in different settings.

“We have notice demand has slowed down a little bit over the past week, so we are definitely looking for people and organisations who need masks,” Sinclair said.

“We’re keen to work with big organisations, charities or businesses with lots of key workers doing important jobs. We’re already working with a lot of food distributors, such as supermarkets or charities who are making meals.

“But really, anybody is welcome. We always find a home for the masks and are happy to give them to anyone who needs them.”

To get involved in making masks or to express an interest in becoming part of the supply chain, visit the Edinburgh Mask Makers Facebook page.