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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

Millionaire vows to donate half her fortune to charity

This news post is almost 11 years old

Scotland’s wealthiest woman has been inspired by Microsoft billionaire Bill Gates to donate £250m to charity

A millionaire Scottish business woman has vowed to give away half of her fortune to good causes.

Stagecoach tycoon Ann Gloag added her name to Bill Gates' The Giving Pledge Campaign promising to donate £250 million before she dies.

It is so important that those of us who have enjoyed fortune in business utilise our skills and knowledge in philanthropy to empower people to help themselves

In a letter to the campaign she said from a young age she and her brothers were taught to give to those less fortunate than themselves, no matter how little they had.

She added: “That ethos has remained at the core of our family since childhood and, today, thanks to my business success, I am very fortunate to be able to help many thousands of women and children in Africa."

The 71-year-old made her fortune by using her father’s redundancy money to establish the Stagecoach Group in 1980 with her brother Sir Brian Souter and husband Robin Gloag.

She is renowned for her charity work including her own foundations which works to alleviate poverty in the UK and overseas.

Her letter continued: “It is so important that those of us who have enjoyed fortune in business utilise our skills and knowledge in philanthropy to empower people to help themselves.

“Through my foundations, I hope to contribute to improving the lives of women and children for many years to come and I am honoured to join the Giving Pledge.”

By signing up to the pledge Gloag has made a moral, not a legal, promise to donate her fortune.



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almost 11 years ago
Well done Ann
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Briaan Cowie
almost 11 years ago
As the operations manager of a charity based in Perth supporting those who are homeless or under threat of homelessness it is heartening to hear that Ann Gloag is willing to partake in the support of our service users. Having met Ann a few years ago I fully appreciate and I agree with her ethos of empowering people to help themselves which has significantly more value than simple handouts.
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Edward Mbiti Mwendwa
over 10 years ago
Hey, how can i get help from her? Been jobless for six years and am a father of three.
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Ted Phillips
over 10 years ago
I am losing custody of my daugher and don't deserve it. I am brain injured and don't have the means to pay for an attorney and am being bullied by the ex-girlfriend for my child. I only want what is rightfully mine. Fatherly rights. But, no, she don't want to give me anything. I am losing terribly and am a good father. I have had this brain injury for almost 20 years now and never have thought of myself of being stupid. Making a small piece of me that someone can take away from me, might just be the worst mistake I have ever made. It hurts me so badly! I am looking for any scholarship or grant out there that may be able to save my fatherly rights. Her high dollar attorney is making me out to be a monster. I don't know what I am going to do! Please somebody, help. I don't want a dime, only help with an attorney that can restore my fatherly rights. I am on disability and work a part time job. I don't ask for much and have never driven a new car. I bought my first home at 25 years old and she made me give that up. She stripped me of everything I had then got rid of me and has my child. How could I have been so stupid? Please, if somebody knows the avenue to help, lead me in that direction. Thank you.
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