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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

Moira's Run charity's decade of raising money for those affected by violent loss

This news post is 6 months old

The Moira Fund was set up in memory of Moira Jones, who was murdered in Queen's Park in 2008

Moira’s Run, the annual 5k charity run which raises vital money for The Moira Fund, will return for its 10th year to Glasgow’s Queens Park on Sunday, 27 October. 

Participants are welcome to run or walk the 5k route through the park and can also take part virtually if unable to make it in person on the day. Last year, over 500 people took part with over £8,000 raised. 

The Moira Fund was set up in memory of Moira Jones, who was murdered in Queen's Park in 2008. Since then, the charity has helped more than 1,500 families cope with the violent loss of a loved one by supplying grants. Grants from the charity can contribute to funeral and counselling costs, respite breaks and necessary house moves, and other, often desperate needs. 

Moira’s Run is organised by volunteers assisted by sponsors and Victim Support Scotland (VSS) is now the main sponsor of the event for the second year running, having worked closely with The Moira Fund for many years. VSS is the foremost charity providing emotional, practical and financial support to victims of crime throughout Scotland. 

VSS’s Support for Families Bereaved by Crime (SFBC) service was set up in 2019 largely thanks to campaigning by The Moira Fund. The SFBC team provides families bereaved by crime with the support of a dedicated key worker who provides practical and emotional support to families whose loved one has been killed. The support is wide ranging, from helping to arrange the funeral, as well as navigating the criminal justice system and connecting family members to other specialised services where required. 

Bea Jones, mother of Moira Jones and founder of The Moira Fund, said:  “Our annual Moira’s 5k Run is a wonderful community event in beautiful Queen’s Park attracting serious and fun runners and walkers to a huge get-together in support of Moira’s charity which helps those families devastated by the loss of a loved one through murder. 

“The warmth and friendliness in evidence throughout, the amazing Queen’s Park/Southside community spirit, makes it very special, an event not to be missed. We hope you will join us.” 

Kate Wallace, chief executive of Victim Support Scotland, added: “We are delighted to be sponsoring Moira’s Run for the second year running. The Moira Fund was key in the launch of our Support for Families Bereaved by Crime service back in 2019, and since then the team has helped 405 families who have lost loved ones to violent crime. We are extremely grateful to the Moira Fund for this, and many of our families receive financial support from the Moira Fund which is enormously helpful at the most devasting time of their lives. 

“Whether you walk, run or even take part from afar, the event is a very special way in which we can celebrate Moira’s life and legacy of supporting families during the toughest times in their lives. If you can, please sign up and support this vital cause.” 

Entry costs £12, with all money donated going to The Moira Fund. A warm-up will take place at 9.30am, with the run beginning at 10am. People can also register on the day in Queens Park from 8am. 

Entry tickets can be purchased here: Moira's Run 2024 

Online registration closes on 24 October at 7pm. 



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