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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

More action need to hit climate change targets

This news post is over 7 years old

An independent watchdog has said that the Scottish Government needs to do more to ensure emissions are cut

Experts have called for further action to be taken by the Scottish Government on climate change.

A report from the independent UK climate watchdog, the UK Committee on Climate Change (CCC), warns that current Scottish Government plans do not deliver enough action in key areas to ensure that Scotland meets our commitment to global climate change goals.

The government is currently committed to a long-term aim of reducing emissions by 80%, but the committee has said plans are focused too much on the rapid deployment of low carbon heating rather than addressing wider areas like transport emissions.

The study shows that the annual target for emissions in 2015 was met and that Scotland is leading the UK on tackling climate change.

Committee chairman Lord Deben said: "Scotland's level of ambition in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and tackling climate change is amongst the highest in the world.

"Our report shows that Scotland continues to lead the UK in this area, as Scotland's emissions continue to fall year-on-year.

"The Scottish government's climate change plan will deliver the next chapter of emissions reductions into the 2030s and beyond.

"It's therefore essential that further work is done to ramp up emissions reductions right across the Scottish economy."

Tom Ballantine, chairman of Stop Climate Chaos Scotland, said the report shows that the government must continue to take positive action.

“This report shows that if Scotland is to step up to the moral challenge posed by climate change, the Scottish Government must strengthen its plans for the new Climate Change Bill,” he said.

"The CCC have rightfully praised the First Minister’s recent commitment to phase out polluting petrol and diesel cars, which is a huge step forward in cleaning up air pollution and climate emissions.

“These kinds of transformational new policies are a necessity if we are to deliver on our commitment to the Paris Agreement.

“However, the committee makes very clear that the Scottish Government needs to surge ahead now with credible action plans for housing, agriculture and transport if we’re to successfully play our part in tackling climate change.”

Environment Secretary Roseanna Cunningham said: "The recently published Programme for Government places climate action at its heart and includes bold new commitments in a range of areas including low carbon transport, infrastructure and energy efficiency.

"We acknowledge that there are areas where more needs to be done in order to continue meeting our ambitious targets and to prepare for even greater future ambition under our proposed Climate Change Bill."



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over 7 years ago The physicists, scientists at the pinnacle of the advice (that all the models are based on regarding Co2 that the thousands of scientists around the globe are working using their data, have came out and said their data was wrong. This is serious as the tens of thousands of papers need remodelling. I am looking at the Geoengineering and the unnatural solar flares that the Sun is showing as well as other emissions.
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