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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

New chair for environmental charity

This news post is almost 2 years old

The Green Action Trust will take over the role, having served as a trustee since 2021.

Environmental regeneration charity, the Green Action Trust, has appointed Michael Roe as its new Chair. 

Mr Roe will head up the board of charity trustees managing the strategic governance of the charity. 

Mr Roe first became a charity trustee in 2021, serving as vice chair to Stuart Tait, who has retired after ten years’ service on the Green Action Trust board. 

With a long career in financial services and strategic project management, Edinburgh-based Mr Roe is also a trustee for the Friends of Cammo - a nature reserve located in the West of Edinburgh - and he is chair of The Royal Burgess Golf Club’s Environment Committee. 

The Green Action Trust, the trusted delivery partner of environmental and regeneration programmes, works with the private, public and third sectors to deliver climate positive actions across Scotland including tree planting, habitat restoration, active travel routes, and green urban planning initiatives. 

Since 2014, the Trust has had responsibility for delivering the Central Scotland Green Network - one of the largest green infrastructure projects in Europe. 

Mr Roe said: “I have always had a keen interest and passion for anything related to nature and conservation, so I am delighted to have been given the responsibility of leading the Board of the Green Action Trust, a role which I consider to be a great honour.

“Since becoming a charity trustee of the Green Action Trust in early 2021, I have been highly impressed by the excellent work that the charity is undertaking to create and maintain greenspaces and to restore nature across Scotland. The Trust is in a privileged position to do something tangible and lasting to regenerate our environment and to reverse the loss of biodiversity for the benefit of our communities.

“It is really positive that we continue to be supported by the Scottish Government to deliver the Central Scotland Green Network, an important environmental programme for communities and individuals alike. I look forward to supporting the organisation to continue in its delivery of this important work.”

Derek Robertson, chief executive of the Green Action Trust said: “I look forward to working closely with Michael Roe as he takes up chairmanship of the Green Action Trust Board of Trustees. Michael brings with him a passion for the environment as well as vital industry and commercial experience from a long career in financial services which will be integral to the Trust’s programme of development.

“Michael is very ambitious for the Trust to reach its potential as one of Scotland’s leading environmental charities, and as Scotland continues on its path to addressing the climate and nature crises, the Trust is ideally placed to contribute. 

“I’d like to pay tribute to the work of our previous Chair, Stuart Tait who has left a strong legacy to follow after a decade of committed service.”