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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

New education assembly launches recruitment drive


The organisation will put “parents at the heart of Scottish education”. 

The Scottish Assembly of Parents and Carers (SAPC) has started its open recruitment of members.

Hosted by Scotland’s parents’ organisation Connect and funded by the Scottish Government, SAPC is the first dedicated lived-experience panel for parents and carers in Scotland.  

This will provide parents and carers with a unique platform, allowing them to play a critical role in informing policy, and providing advice and challenge to the Scottish Government, as reform of the education system continues to be taken forward. 

The Cabinet Secretary for Education and Skills, Jenny Gilruth MSP, said: “The establishment of the Scottish Assembly of Parents and Carers will help us hear from families across the country on important matters in relation to their children’s education. It will be fully representative of every region and demographic in Scotland, including parents and carers from underrepresented groups. 

“It is crucial that the views of parents and carers are heard on matters that impact children and young people. I look forward to working together to improve the education of children and young people in Scotland.” 

SAPC will bring together a diverse cross-section of parents and carers from across Scotland to discuss and share their views on the education system. It is open to any parent or carer of a school-age child in Scotland with an initial composition of 100 members. 

The views and experiences of the parents and carers who make up the membership will help to shape education policy going forward, with the Scottish Government pledging to respond to the Assembly on the issues it raises.   

Gavin Yates, executive director of Connect, said: “The development of this new Assembly for parents and carers highlights an important and improved commitment to parental involvement and engagement in Scotland. 

“Connect has been advocating for increased parental and family involvement in education for more than 75 years. Enabling parents to understand and contribute to their child’s education is a key factor in improving educational outcomes and life-chances for our young people. Research has confirmed this again and again.

“Listening to and genuinely hearing from parents at all levels of the education system is imperative. We are delighted to further contribute to our work on this by hosting the new Scottish Assembly of Parents and Carers. We believe this new process could truly embed parents and carers as key partners in Scottish education going forward.” 

Amy Woodhouse, the CEO of Parenting across Scotland added: “Parents and carers have incredibly important things to say about how education is and isn’t working for their children. Their views and experiences should be heard and reflected in Scottish education policy and practice. The Scottish Assembly of Parents and Carers provides a brilliant new opportunity for parents and carers to come together to make a difference to education, and Parenting across Scotland warmly welcomes its introduction. We look forward to meeting the Assembly in the future and working with them to help amplify their experiences.”



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