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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

New fund open for applications

This news post is 6 months old

Fund closes on 5 September

A new round of the Youth Arts Open Fund has been launched.

The fund, worth almost £500,000, will support children and young people living in poverty and those who face significant barriers to opportunity.

Using arts and creativity to engage children and young people has a huge impact on their learning, mental health, and development, and builds their confidence and skills. Applications are being invited from projects and artists in your local area.

The Youth Arts Open Fund is administered by YouthLink Scotland (the national agency for youth work in Scotland) and is funded by the Scottish Government through Creative Scotland.

It will support freelance artists or organisations so that they can deliver high-quality and accessible arts activity for children and young people, prioritising those who have traditionally found it hardest to access such opportunities.

Freelance artists can apply for funding up to £8k and organisations can apply for funding of up to £15k, to deliver up to 12 months of arts activity.

Awards from the fund will be made to freelance artists or to creative, third sector, or youth work organisations who are based in Scotland, experienced in working with children and young people. Funding should be used to support the delivery of free community-based arts activities for children and young people living in Scotland.

Freelance artists and organisations in your community are encouraged to apply for funding to support creative projects for young people.

Applications can be made through the YouthLink Scotland website.

Colin Bradie, head of creative learning at Creative Scotland said:  “This fund ensures children and young people benefit from high-quality and accessible arts experiences in their communities, targeting those who have traditionally found it hardest to access such opportunities.

“We are delighted to be working with YouthLink Scotland again to not only ensure the funding reaches children and young people across Scotland, but also to introduce a youth-led funding decision process, to ensure the projects are selected by young people, for young people.

“We therefore welcome the Scottish Government’s continued support for the Youth Arts Open Fund.”

Jane Dailly, national grants manager for YouthLink Scotland, added: “The role of the arts in broadening young people’s horizons should never be underestimated. It is often through the power of creative experiences that young people realise there is a positive path in life and they can achieve their ambitions despite difficult circumstances they may face.

“The continuation of the Youth Arts Open Fund, supported by the Scottish Government, is an investment in the next generation and a mark of a society that values all its young people and their role in our creative industries.”

The deadline for applications is 5 September 2024.



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6 months ago

Let me know if you could work with an individual outside your country who would like to uplift lives of both girls and boy child on various projects.

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