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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

New lifeline digital support service launched

This news post is almost 4 years old

CVS Inverclyde has launched a new service to help boost digital inclusion in the area

A new lifeline digital support service has been launched.

CVS Inverclyde (CVSI) has launched DIAL: Digital Information Assistance and Learning – a new service to support the Inverclyde community with its digital needs.

Inverclyde residents can call the support phone number 01475 866151. The service will operate Monday to Thursday, between the hours 2pm and 5pm; and Friday, 9am to 4pm until the end of May.  The pilot project is funded by Communities Recovery Fund.

CVSI chief executive, Charlene Elliott, said: “The pandemic has meant a rapid shift to online and digital services and resources, but many people in our communities are not confident with their digital knowledge and skills so they are missing out on essential services.

“We are really excited to launch this digital support service and we’re proud that CVSI is helping the Inverclyde community and third sector to come together in such a practical way.”

Evidence shows that the digital divide has worsened during the pandemic. Lloyds Bank UK Consumer Digital Index 2020 found that an estimated 7% of the UK population are still offline and 9 million people struggle to get online by themselves.

CVSI is working alongside Connecting Scotland and the Digital Champions initiative. This initiative involves a number of local organisations distributing Chromebook devices and prepaid internet connections to help individuals build up every day digital skills such as logging onto the internet, searching for information, and using social media.

DIAL will boost this initiative by providing advice by phone so individuals don’t have to use a computer or attend a workshop.

CVSI is looking for volunteers to help run DIAL. Volunteers don’t need specific qualifications, just confidence in their day-to-day digital skills and enthusiasm to help others learn. Volunteers can apply online on Volunteer Inverclyde.