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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

New outlet for social enterprise

This news post is over 2 years old

Prime location in Glasgow

Social Bite is opening a new coffee shop in the heart of Glasgow.

Based out of the city’s Buchanan Galleries, overlooking Sauchiehall Street and Buchanan Street, the coffee shop will serve the Glasgow community and support people experiencing homelessness.

The official unveiling will be in Spring 2023 with a new space and menu.

But for two days this December, on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, the new Buchanan Galleries premises will open its doors exclusively to welcome people experiencing homelessness and poverty in to enjoy a hot Christmas dinner and plenty of festive cheer.  

Social Bite executive director, Josh Littlejohn, said “We are delighted to be moving into our new premises in Buchanan Galleries on a permanent basis early next year meaning people across the city will soon be able to enjoy delicious food and drink while supporting people experiencing homelessness. 

“But before we start our refurbishment in the New Year, we want to use the space to provide some warmth and kindness for people who are homeless and might have nowhere else to go. We look forward to opening the doors and welcoming people on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day to get a gift and enjoy a warm meal in good company.” 

Social Bite’s Christmas dinner events began back in 2014 thanks to the generous support of Scottish-based business, itison, whose annual Christmas appeal is back again for the eighth year and is asking big-hearted Scots to donate £5 at to buy a hot meal or gift for someone who is homeless this Christmas .  

Oli Norman, CEO at itison said: “I think we can all say that this year has been exceptionally tough but it’s our most vulnerable who are struggling the greatest. The cost-of-living crisis, as well as the continued impact of the pandemic, has meant this year has been exceptionally tough for everyone. The £5 donation will help to ensure that the most vulnerable in our society can still enjoy a hot meal and a gift this festive season, as well as valuable meals throughout the year.” 

On Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, Social Bite will be opening its coffee shops in Glasgow, Edinburgh, and Aberdeen to provide a warm Christmas dinner and some loving company for those who need it, as well as providing Christmas meals and gifts through a network of over 170 local charity partners in London and across the UK.