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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

New volunteers urged to matchmake with arts groups

This news post is over 10 years old

Voluntary Arts Scotland is running an open event for those looking to become more involved in local arts

Arts groups and organisations in Edinburgh will be brought together with potential new volunteers next week at a unique matchmaking event.

Voluntary Arts Scotland (VAS) is hosting the A Creative Exchange event on Friday, 5 December, which is also International Volunteer Day.

The event aims to link up those looking to become involved in volunteering in the arts with organisations and groups already working in the area locally.

It is the first event of its kind that VAS has organised but if it’s successful the charity will look to run it in other towns and cities.

Jemma Neville, director, Voluntary Arts Scotland said: “As part of the Glasgow 2014 legacy, we are working with The Spirit of 2012 Trust and Volunteer Scotland to introduce volunteers from the Glasgow games opening and closing ceremonies, and the general public, to the many arts volunteering opportunities which exist within voluntary arts groups.

“To that end, we are hosting a series of matchmaking events, bringing together arts groups and organisations with potential volunteers and participants. For the first of these, we wanted to begin in the local community where our office is based at the Creative Exchange building in Leith.”

As well as the getting to know you part of the evening the night will also feature the opening of VAS’ #loveto photography exhibition of pictures taken and curated by Edinburgh College photography students.

The exhibition will feature portraits of some of the people that run voluntary arts groups in Edinburgh, including Leith Lates, Wildfire Choir, Art in Healthcare and the Scottish Mineral and Lapidary Club.

Drinks and music by a local DJ will be provided to get people in the mood to find out about how to get involved.

A Creative Exchange’ takes place on Friday, 5 December, 7-9pm at The Creative Exchange, 29 Constitution Street, Leith. The event is free and anyone can drop in at any time.