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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

Older Scots so lonely they go to shops just for company

This news post is about 8 years old

Survey shows sad reality facing older people in Scotland

Older people are so lonely in Scotland they are going to the supermarket just for company.

Research published by Age Scotland showed nearly a quarter of a million older people in the country went to the shops just to receive human interaction and to speak to someone.

The statistics come as part of the charity’s campaign, No-one should have no-one, to tackle loneliness and isolation.

It aims to prevent loneliness among family, friends and neighbours by offering a helping hand or asking local support groups if they need help.

A poll carried out for Age UK last November found 72,703 people aged over 60 said they would have “no-one to talk to” if they did not visit a supermarket.

The figures also show that 115,000 of over-60s visit a supermarket every day and a further 418,000 go at least two or three times per week.

Some 86% of those over 60 agreed that there should be more help readily available for lonely older people.

Charity chief executive Keith Robson said supermarkets and local shops are “very much on the front-line” in battling loneliness among older people.

A friendly chat can brighten up an older person's day - Keith Robson

He said: “As people age, their local area usually matters a lot more to them than it did when they were younger because they spend more time in it, and this new research shows that supermarkets are very much part of the community and that they fulfil an important social function for many older people.

“A friendly chat with a member of staff working at the till or walking the shop floor can brighten up an older person’s day and do much more good than most of us would ever guess.

“So we would like to encourage every supermarket, and everyone who works in one, to be outgoing and cheerful with their older customers.”

Age Scotland estimates more than 100,000 older people in Scotland are “chronically lonely”, with bereavement and ill health having an impact.



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Norma Martin
about 8 years ago
I've been running a group for nearly a year now for members of the community who are suffering from loneliness and social isolation-it's called Good To Gab This is a growing concern for the older generations-they have a lot to offer????
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