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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

One million disabled voters could sway election

This news post is almost 10 years old

​Coalition launches manifesto warning MPs to put disabled and inclusion at centre of policies

One million disabled voters and their families in Scotland could hold the balance of power in one of the UK's tightest general elections, says an influential coalition of charities.

But political parties must commit to delivering real change for disabled people if they want their votes, warns the Disability Agenda Scotland (DAS).

At the publication of its joint manifesto today (16 April) the coalition, which is made up from Scotland's six leading disability charities, is urging all parties contesting the 7 May election to commit to their vision for a fairer, more inclusive society.

Their votes matter and political parties need to commit to deliver real change to get those votes

There are 988,430 people categorised as disabled living in Scotland from infants to adults – voices the coalition believe could be used to exert huge influence on the political agenda.

Its 10-point manifesto, 'A Million Votes Count: Our Vision for an Equal Future', outlines ten key steps that DAS insists a new Westminster government must take to ensure equality for the one million disabled voters and their families in Scotland.

DAS says the steps could radically improve everything from disability benefits to accessible transport.

Its challenge comes as the political parties release their own manifestos this week.

The proposals - developed by service-users across all six DAS member organisations - will be debated at a fully accessible election hustings event in Glasgow on 27 April, chaired by broadcaster Shereen Nanjiani.

People with a range of disabilities will question representatives from the main political parties.

DAS policy group chair Jan Savage said: "The Scottish vote is being courted by all parties in this general election.

"In such a tight general election race, Scotland's one million disabled people and their families will have a crucial impact on the outcome at Westminster.

“Their votes matter and political parties need to commit to deliver real change to get those votes.

"Since the last general election, households with disabled adults and children have experienced a reduction of £1,900 per year in annual income - bad enough, but even more shocking when you know that this is three times the reduction experienced by non-disabled households.”

Faced with a possible £12 billion of further cuts in welfare spending that could hit disabled people and their families hardest, the coalition is calling on political parties to stand up and protect the rights of disabled people in Scotland and throughout the UK.

Savage added: "We are calling on all parties to commit to our ten key steps to deliver real change for disabled people in areas such as work, welfare, transport and inclusive communication.

“These are the areas where the government is failing to deliver for disabled people to be full members of society.”

DAS members are: Action on Hearing Loss Scotland, Capability Scotland, Enable Scotland, RNIB Scotland, SAMH (Scottish Association for Mental Health) and Sense Scotland.