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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

Packham heads up major meeting on grouse moor reform

This news post is almost 3 years old

He will lead the Revive coalition’s meeting in Perth next month

TV presenter and environmental campaigner Chris Packham will host a major conference looking at the grouse shooting industry.

He will lead the Revive coalition’s meeting in Perth next month, inviting delegates to explore and discuss issues surrounding intensive grouse moor management in Scotland and examine where this fits within the land reform debate. 

The one day event, People, Wildlife & Environment, has sessions on ‘More wildlife on our moors’, ‘Energising our environment’ and ‘Land reform, people and power’.

Speakers include journalist, broadcaster and campaigner, Lesley Riddoch; RSPB Scotland’s Duncan Orr-Ewing; economist and author of Our Land, Duncan McCann; MSPs Colin Smyth and Mark Ruskell; former MSP Andy Wightman; and others.

Revive is a coalition of charities and campaign groups from across the social, environmental and animal welfare sectors which aims to challenge to the intensive management of land across vast swathes of the country’s uplands.

The coalition includes OneKind, Friends of the Earth Scotland, League Against Cruel Sports, Raptor Persecution UK and CommonWeal

Max Wiszniewski, campaign manager for Revive, said: “Since Revive launched in 2018 the momentum to end the circle of destruction surrounding grouse moors has gathered significant pace. By bringing together people from different disciplines who all care about Scotland’s land and how it is used we have made overwhelming progress towards a vision for better land use alternatives.”

Packham, one of the UK’s best known environmental campaigners, recently revealed how he had been singled out for his opposition to the shooting industry – with attacks on his property and dead animals left on his doorstep.

Wiszniewski added: “It is testament to this progress that we have the support of Chris Packham who despite relentless criticism for his stance on grouse shooting, is willing to share his strongly held views, along with a host of high profile speakers as we take land reform, wildlife, biodiversity and crucially, environmental protection on Scottish moors to the next level.”

The conference takes place on Sunday, 14 November at the Perth Concert Hall.