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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

Period poverty more prevalent than previously thought

This news post is about 6 years old

Three in ten women say they have been unable to afford menstrual products, according to a survey

More women experience period poverty than previously thought.

Three in ten women say they have been unable to afford menstrual products, according to a survey.

Previous polls had put the number at one in ten.

Meanwhile, 51% say that they have either had direct experience of period poverty, or know someone who has.

Of those who’d experienced period poverty, one in four bled through every day or most days of their period and 68% have had to use a makeshift period product.

Almost half have worn menstrual products for longer than they should have and over a quarter of schoolgirls and women affected have missed school or work because they've been unable to afford protection.

The survey was conducted by Ginger Comms, the Bloody Big Brunch and the East Lothian-based social enterprise Hey Girls ahead of a major campaign next month.

A host of organisations and individuals, including Hey Girls, Asda, Absolut vodka, Amika George, Stacey Solomon and Grace Woodward have come together to back the UK’s biggest-ever brunch, to be held on Sunday 3rd March, which is also the first weekend of Women’s History Month.

The Bloody Big Brunch promises to put the issue “firmly on the table” by not only reducing embarrassment around periods but also by making it easy to send menstrual products to where they’re needed most.

The public are being encouraged to host their own Bloody Big Brunch at home, serving Bloody (or Virgin) Marys to friends and family.

But there’s a twist - guests should pay for their drinks with period products. By purchasing from the Hey Girls range, donations are automatically doubled and distributed to charities around the UK, including The Red Box Project, Bloody Good Period, Girlguiding Scotland, YWCA and Freedom4Girls.

The campaign aims for 300 brunches to be held and 10,000 women to be helped.

Lee Beattie of the Bloody Big Brunch said: “As a society, we need to send out the message that menstruation isn’t dirty and it certainly isn’t a luxury. That’s why the Bloody Big Brunch is important. It’s an accessible way to get involved and spread the word that period products are a basic essential - not nice-to-have.

“By using fun to highlight fundamental rights, we’re hoping that we can mobilise Westminster, who have been negligent on the issue of periods for far too long.”

To sign up and take part, visit here.