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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

Philanthropist pledges more cash for charities

This news post is about 8 years old

Organisers behind the Kiltwalk say this year they will give 110% of all money raised to good causes.

Sir Tom Hunter has personally underwritten a pledge to give an extra £10 for every £100 raised from this year’s four Kiltwalk events taking place across Scotland.

He made the announcement at the Kiltwalk’s inaugural “Platform” event, a day for charities to get together, network and learn more about best practice in areas such as marketing and fundraising.

“Last year, every penny, every pound raised went to the walkers’ chosen charities. But this year we promise to do even more – for every £100 they raise The Hunter Foundation (“THF”) will add £10 with no limit,” he said.

“Our ambition is for Kiltwalk to be the lowest cost, best and most effective platform for every charity in Scotland to raise funds for what they believe in. I hope this 10% leverage encourages even more people to wear some tartan and get walking to help those who need it most.”

Last year, 8,000 people took part and raised almost £900,000 from the events. While this year organisers want to raise more cash and involve more particpants in the events.

Paul Cooney, chief executive of the Kiltwalk, said: “Whatever your reason, whatever cause is close to your heart, sign-up for Kiltwalk and join us. If we raise £1 million in 2017, THF will add £100,000 with every penny going to the walkers’ chosen charities.”

The Royal Bank of Scotland Kiltwalk will return to Glasgow on April 30, Aberdeen on June 4 and Edinburgh on September 17, with a new event from St Andrews to Dundee on August 20.

One lucky Kiltwalker from each of the four 2017 events will also be entered into a prize draw to win a brand new car.



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about 8 years ago
I'm surprised that Kiltwalk has survived the resignation of it's previous boss, not to mention the fact it recently only gave 29p in the pound to charidee!
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over 7 years ago
In my mind I cannot connect two things: kiltwalk and charity.. How is that related? Enquiry from .
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