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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

Police open letter to abuse victim goes viral

This news post is over 7 years old

​Huge response and praise for police force's innovative way of highlighting domestic abuse

A police force has been praised by Scottish Women’s Aid for its innovative use of social media highlighting the plight of domestic abuse victims.

Lochaber and Skye Police wrote a series of tweets on Saturday (18 November) which formed an open letter to a victim of abuse saying they were not alone and the force knew they were monitoring its account.

The letter reads: "We know you follow this account and want you to see this.

"We’ve told you previously that we think you are at risk of domestic abuse from your partner.

"We want to help you and are doing lots with other agencies to try to keep you safe.”

"Your family and friends have told you they think you are in danger – they support you and want you to be safe.

"We think he’s probably told you, “It won’t happen again”, “I’m sorry”, “I’ll change”, he’s maybe even told you that it’s your fault - IT’S NOT.

"The violence, threats, degrading comments and controlling behaviour are not the life you need to lead, it can be better.

"You are not trapped and you are not alone, we can help you get out, your family and friends can help you get out and Women's Aid can help you get out."

The tweets have gone viral on social media – with users encouraging people to come forward and hailing the police for their novel approach to reaching out to victims.

Scottish Women’s Aid runs a 24/7 national helpline for women who have experienced domestic abuse, as well as a network of local support across the country.

Chief executive Marsha Scott said she thought the tweets were a “great, creative use of social media”.

She added: “Lochaber and Skye Police are trying to reach out in a different way which is fascinating and exciting.”

The Lochaber and Skye Police then thanked the public for their positive response, and called for more people to come forward.

Officers tweeted: “Over 2 million interactions with our account over past 3 days. Incredible response to our message that's been seen locally and across the world.

“All feedback really is appreciated. Male or female, if you are suffering there is help out there. #NoExuse for #DomesticAbuse."