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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

Pressure mounts for Universal Credit to be halted

This news post is over 7 years old

​Claimants increasingly reporting flaws in the scheme leaving many destitute

Universal Credit is flawed and must be halted says one of Scotland’s leading charities.

The system is leaving thousands of Scots in poverty and debt according to Citizens Advice Scotland (CAS) and called for the roll-out should be paused until significant issues with the system are addressed.

Universal Credit aims to replace six existing benefits with one single payment, making access to social security payments less complicated and to support people into work.

It has been rolled out initially in parts of Scotland and is due to be introduced in full across the country by the end of 2018, starting in October this year.

However, evidence from Citizens Advice Bureaux in initial roll-out areas has shown that the reality of Universal Credit risks leaving many Scots without the support they need, pushing them into debt and leaving them unable to make ends meet.

The long wait for payments (six weeks) at the beginning of the Universal Claim process is a particular cause of problems, and many are finding the system very complicated, making it harder to focus on getting into work.

CAB evidence in initial roll out areas shows that since Universal Credit was introduced bureaux have seen: a 15% rise in rent arrears issues compared to a national decrease of 2%; an 87% increase in crisis grant issues compared to a national increase of 9% while twoof five bureaux in impacted areas have seen a 40% % increase in advice about access to food banks advice.

It is projected that when full service rollout is complete in 2022, there will be 652,500 households in Scotland claiming Universal Credit.

CAS chair Rory Mair said: “We have always supported the principles behind Universal Credit. We firmly believe that simplifying access to benefits for those who need them is critical. However, we have been monitoring the impact of Universal Credit closely, and we are very concerned.

“Citizens Advice Bureaux are uniquely placed to see how changes like this affect people, and in all of the initial rollout areas the evidence is clear: Universal Credit has major delivery and design flaws which risk hurting families instead of helping them.

“So we are today calling for a pause in the accelerated roll-out of Universal Credit, so that these problems can be fixed before more families find themselves in crisis.”



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