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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

Prioritise vaccine for parents of disabled children

This news post is over 4 years old

Parents struggling to cope with broken sleep and daily stress

Parents of children with complex disabilities should be prioritised first to receive a Covid-19 vaccine, a charity has said.

Disability charity Kindred said parents fear catching the virus and being unable to look after their vulnerable children.

In a letter to health secretary Jeane Freeman and deputy first minister John Swinney, it said the majority of parents of disabled children are struggling to cope during the pandemic and are getting by on an average of just five hours of broken sleep a night.

The figures come from a survey by the charity of 42 parents whose children have complex disabilities and life-limiting conditions.

Kindred said the respite provided by schools, which reopened in August, is preventing a crisis in families where a child has high care needs.

Sophie Pilgrim, director of Kindred, said: “Many families started shielding before schools closed with the loss of all care and support.

“Some of these children require two to one support in school and other care settings, and yet parents had to cope from March to August, many with no help at all.

“As the vaccine becomes available, we must prioritise parents who are providing medical care for their children and cannot afford to get sick themselves.”

She added: “Many parents received no respite care before the pandemic, and those that did lost their care with lockdown. Serious sleep deprivation puts parents at risk of depression, accidents and long-term conditions.

“We need to recognise the long-term exhaustion of these families. Special schools are all the more important and need to be supported to carry on their excellent work and to keep their doors open.”

Responding to the charity’s plea, a Scottish Government spokeswoman said: “The health secretary has already committed to providing more details to parliament on the delivery of Covid-19 vaccines and, with the agreement of parliament, she aims to do this shortly.

“We are working with the Welsh Government, Northern Irish Government, and the UK Government to procure Covid-19 vaccines on a four nations basis.

“We will prioritise to protect those considered to be most at risk, in line with the forthcoming final advice from the Joint Committee on Vaccinations and Immunisations (JCVI).

“All NHS boards stand ready to assist with the delivery of the vaccine to the local population as part of the national plan.”



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over 4 years ago

What do the parents think/want? These parents are not ill and sound like they are run down! Get them to eat properly and take the relevant supplements (vit D3, B vits, Magenesium and Zinc and Vit C) and they will not only feel better but will not need a vaccine they may not want! People just want a quick easy solution but are not willing to take the time to build up their immunity and get healthier by eating well and exercising, nah, don't do that just inject some chemicals into you and continue to be unhealthy and run down! Thjere lies the problem as to high numbers getting the virus and those dying - the ill health of most of our population! Fix that!

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