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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

Project shows reality of domestic abuse

This news post is over 7 years old

​Image library shows true reality of domestic abuse

Two leading women’s charities have launched a new creative project to show the reality of domestic abuse.

A thousand words is a collection of 15 powerful photos taken by acclaimed photographer and storyteller Laura Dodsworth based on the words and experiences of women who have lived through domestic abuse.

Inspired by Scotland's new domestic abuse bill, the charities say that this is a critical step forward in raising public awareness that domestic abuse is far more than physical violence.

In releasing these images the survivors, charities and photographer hope that women will recognise their own experiences and seek the support that is available.

All the images are represented by models and will be shared online.

There are also plans for a future exhibition in Scotland.

Brenna Jessie of Scottish Women's Aid said: "So often at women's aid we hear women question whether their experience counts as abuse - they have no black eye, they have no burst lip "a thousand words is important, because we desperately want people to know that there is no hierarchy when it comes to abuse.

“Whether it's controlling behaviour, threats, humiliation, sexual or physical violence - it all counts and it is all real abuse."

Lydia House of Zero Tolerance added: "Domestic abuse affects women of all classes, ages and backgrounds but current stock images don't reflect this.

“With a thousand words publications have a real choice in the images they use to illustrate stories about domestic abuse; we hope to see a real step forwards in the depth and diversity of women's stories represented by the media."

One survivor said: "I spent a long time denying to myself I was actually being abused. It took me four years to recognise my situation.

“If photographs always show hitting or bruises it means that men who don't hit absolve themselves of the label abuser because they don't leave bruises.

"Also it makes people think that if a woman doesn't have bruises she must be OK."