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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

Protest outside energy company HQ as bills soar

This news post is almost 2 years old

Demo is at 4pm today (Friday, 12 August)

Campaigners from across Scotland will join forces on Friday for a protest outside Scottish Power HQ, demanding action to tackle astronomical rises to household bills. 

Politicians, academics and campaigners will join in the city, calling a price freeze on energy bills in October, an end to late payment fees by the big energy companies and an end to prepayment meters. 

Two committees have been established so far in Glasgow and Dundee with the intention to create many more across Scotland.

Power to the People is a non-partisan campaign, bringing together civil society activists, academics, researchers, councillors, former MSPs and representatives from the environmentalist movement. 

Those behind the protest have called on the public in Glasgow and across Scotland to come together and challenge the UK government and companies charging through the nose for bills as the cost of living crisis mounts. 

Glasgow Labour councillor Matt Kerr  said: “The people of Glasgow are at the sharp end of this cost of living catastrophe. People across the city and across the country are now facing astronomical increases to their household bills. With winter around the corner, inaction from the government and companies making huge profits will lead to untold suffering, with countless people thrust further into poverty. 

“While workers across the UK take action, pushing for fairer pay and better working conditions, fat cats raking in obscene salaries will chastise the working class for daring to ask for enough money to live on. We have had enough, and we will be taking that message to Scottish Power.”

Former Glasgow MSP, Frances Curran, said: “Everyone across Glasgow continues to be failed by governments, from councils all the way to Westminster. We must see a freeze in energy prices, an end to prepayment meters and an end to debt payment fees. Ordinary people simply cannot go on like this. 

“Power to the People may start in Glasgow, but these issues affect those all across the country. We would encourage anyone facing difficulties now or in the coming months to take to the streets and make their voices heard.”

Coll McCail, a young environmentalist and member of Fridays for Future, added: “The struggle to save our planet and the struggle to heat our homes are intertwined. Global warming is threatening the planet and energy prices are going into the stratosphere. We need drastic root and branch change.

“Scotland and the UK must see an overhaul of how our energy is produced, and who controls this production - starting with an end to the profiteering we are seeing from companies amid a cost of living crisis.”

Power to the People will hold its protest outside Scottish Power's HQ at 4pm on 12 August at 320 St Vincent Street, G2 5AD, Glasgow. 



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