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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

Rape Crisis urges boycott of “dangerous” Fifty Shades

This news post is about 10 years old

​Domestic abuse charity says Fifty Shades of Grey normalises violence against women

Film-goers should boycott the film Fifty Shades of Grey and instead give the saved cash to women’s refuges and domestic abuse charities.

Isabelle Kerr, manager of Rape Crisis Glasgow, said the film – and the book on which it is based - is nothing more than “stalking, sexual violence and intimate partner violence romanticised and eroticised.”

In her blog on the Rape Crisis Glasgow website, Kerr offers a withering analysis of the best-selling book and author, calling it “dangerous.”

The film, released in the UK this weekend, follows the relationship between college graduate Anastasia Steele, played by Dakota Johnson and Christian Grey, played by Jamie Dornan.

Kerr says: "Anastasia and Christian's relationship is not romantic. Christian is an abuser.”

Her fear is that the book and film have gone some way to normalising violent sexual behaviour – and that women are being encouraged to see this as acceptable.

The film has been the subject of massive hype and is expected to be a huge box office hit.

Violence against women dressed up as erotica is dangerous

However, Kerr suggests film-goers follow the American 50 Dollars Not 50 Shades campaign where people are encouraged to donate the cash they’d spend on a night out at the movies to a domestic abuse charity instead.

"They're asking people (in America) to boycott the film and use the $50 you might have spent getting a babysitter, buying a ticket and getting snacks, and give it to a women's shelter,” she said.

"And I think that is really inspired. I would say maybe that's what we should be aiming for here, because the Women's Aid refuges, the Rape Crisis Centres, we're dealing with the other end of that - the physical and emotional fallout of something that is so glibly portrayed in the book and the film."

Responding to Kerr’s blog, Angie from Glasgow said: “Men have been breaking women and girls into compliance for too long and this garbage sets us back further and glorifies abusive attitudes towards us.

“I completely agree that violence against women dressed up as erotica is dangerous.”

And Ann from Lanarkshire adds: “It is really concerning when extreme violence and control are not recognised within this context.”

Campaign group Fifty Shades is Domestic Abuse is planning a protest at the film's London premiere tonight (12 February) and is also encouraging people to donate to charities for domestic abuse victims.



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about 10 years ago
Don't have a clear view either way. I guess each to their own (within reason). But really like the idea of giving the money you would have used for the movie to the women's support charities. Good idea. Also, good idea to use the movie as a platform for wider issues and to ensure abusive behaviour is not normalised. Really though, the story is not even all that good? The protest will just make more folk actually go to see the movie don't you think?
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about 10 years ago
I thought the book and the film are good because it's an eye opener to how it is for abused women and I've had a ten year abusive controlling relationship which ended in me walking away but if I'd read this book before I'd met my x husband I'd have handled it totally different and never got involved It important to open people's eyes men and women
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