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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

Remember a Charity Week returns

This news post is over 5 years old

Strictly Come Dancing star Len Goodman is urging charity supporters to consider leaving a donation in their wills

Charities across the UK are asking supporters to consider making legacy donations.

Former Strictly Come Dancing head judge and professional ballroom dancer, Len Goodman, will be joining Children’s Hospices Across Scotland – better known as CHAS – in support of this year’s Remember A Charity Week (9 to 15 September).

CHAS is one of over 200 charities taking part in a series of events around the UK. It is urging supporters to consider passing on something wonderful by leaving a gift in their will, after they’ve taken care of friends and family. The charity’s work has in part been made possible by legacy gifts left in wills, with over £3.5million donated through wills over the past year.

In addition to Len’s involvement, Remember A Charity Week will also see the launch of a humorous 1970s inspired campaign, created by BAFTA award-winning comedian Matt Berry. The series of comedy films challenge the biggest myths about gifts in wills, inspiring people to consider including their favourite charity in their will. UK charities will also be spreading the word on the importance of gifts in wills across Facebook, Instagram and Twitter throughout #RememberACharityWeek.

Sarah Secombes, head of community fundraising at CHAS, said: “We are delighted to be part of this year’s Remember A Charity Week, encouraging our supporters to pass on something wonderful to the next generation. Gifts in wills are crucial to our charity’s work – both now and long into the future.

“Gifts left in wills help CHAS to provide the palliative and respite care that children and young people living with life-shortening conditions need, bolstering our mission to reach every family who needs our services all over Scotland and truly leaving a legacy.”

Len Goodman said: “Donating to a charity you care passionately about gives you the opportunity to continue contributing to your community and leave a positive legacy. Even a small amount can make a big difference and I’m honoured to support such a worthwhile cause”.

Rob Cope, director of Remember A Charity, added: “Gifts in wills now generate over £3 billion for good causes annually. Remember A Charity Week has grown year-on-year and I’m immensely proud that the 200-strong consortium is coming together to celebrate the tenth year.

“This week offers a fantastic opportunity to openly discuss and normalise legacy giving. Additionally, individual charities are hosting local activity which will inspire their supporters to consider a cause they care deeply about in their Will. Without this income, many charities simply would not exist and others would be forced to cut the crucial services so many of us rely on.”

More information on Remember a Charity week is available online.