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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

Restaurant group donates all of its profits to charity

This news post is about 8 years old

The Boozy Cow has donated £210,000 to be shared among eight charities

Scottish restaurant group The Boozy Cow has donated £210,000 to charity after it gave away all of its profits for the second year running.

Opened in 2014 in Aberdeen, with venues in Edinburgh and Stirling, Boozy Cow, was set up by philanthropist Garreth Wood.

Last year it donated £263,000 to good causes, with this year’s donation being shared among eight charities.

Announcing the total raised in the 2015/16 financial year, Wood said: “We work very hard throughout the year to make our units as profitable as possible and we remain committed to giving 100% of our profits back to the local communities by directly supporting charities in the local areas.

“I am very proud of my team who work tirelessly to achieve this, and would like to thank our loyal customers who help to make this happen.

“We are achieving steady growth and are expecting the profits to rise with the opening of new sites, starting with the addition of a Dundee site next month.”

The charities to benefit this year include Chas, the Archie Foundation, the Youth and Philanthropy Initiative Edinburgh and the STV Children’s Appeal.

Money will also go to the Eilidh Brown Memorial Fund, Stirling Carers Centre, Plus Stirling and Start-Up Stirling after a Boozy Cow restaurant opened in the city’s King Street in September last year.

The Eilidh Brown Memorial Fund, will add its share to its growing fund being saved to build a respite home for children with cancer and their families.

The charity needs to raise £500,000 in order to build the facility in memory of 15-year-old Eilidh who died in 2010 after a 14 month battle with the disease.

Eilidh’s dad Gordon Brown said: "When we heard we were chosen by Boozy Cow Stirling it was a huge boost to our charity, not only was the financial benefits a massive boost but it has also helped us spread the word on what we are trying to achieve.”

The restaurant group has already picked new charity partnerships to benefit from profits raised in the next financial year – these are Charlie House, Cash For Kids, Cornerstone, Grampian Autistic Society and Aberdeen Cyrenians.

Lisa Duthie, director of corporate relations and fundraising at Cornerstone, which provides care and support services for people with learning disabilities, physical disabilities and other support needs, added: “Everyone at Cornerstone is delighted that we are working in partnership with the team at the Boozy Cow.

“We have already benefitted from some of their team volunteering at one of our fundraising events and we look forward to spending any monies raised to help the people that Cornerstone supports to enjoy a valued life.

“However, the value of this partnership goes beyond a monetary donation. Working alongside people who share our values and are as passionate as us about what we do is genuinely priceless.”