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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

RSPCA to cut 269 jobs

This news post is almost 4 years old

The jobs are set to go at sites in the south of England as the charity faces up to a £47m financial black hole

A national animal charity is set to make job cuts in light of Covid-19.

The RSPCA has confirmed it will make 269 redundancies as a result of the financial impact the pandemic has had.

The animal welfare charity, which employs more than 1,600 people, said in June it proposed making up to 300 people redundant amid concerns it would record losses of up to £47m over the next three years.

The charity has now confirmed the roles affected will be in the south of England. The RSPCA said that after a consultation with staff and the union Unite, it would be making 269 redundancies and closing services at Putney Animal Hospital and Southall Clinic in London, and two Surrey rehoming centres, RSPCA Lockwood and South Godstone. It will also stop delivering its Southall Cattery service.

RSPCA chief executive Chris Sherwood said: "We know this has been an incredibly difficult time for everyone and I'm grateful for all those who took part in the consultation process - staff, volunteers and the union.

"We've seriously considered every single proposal submitted and will be exploring some of the cost savings measures suggested by staff.

"As a result of discussions, we'll be keeping 31 roles which were at risk of redundancy, a majority of which are field staff."



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Gordon Liddle
almost 4 years ago
I don't really see what this has to do with Scotland, they don't operate here, the SSPCA does. Not the same organisation.
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