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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

Samaritans volunteers helped record numbers in 2016

This news post is almost 8 years old

Volunteers working for the Samaritans dealt with 5.7 million callers in 2016, the charity said at the start of Volunteers Week

Samaritans volunteers responded to more than 5.7 million calls for help in 2016, an increase of nearly 300,000 on the previous year.

Releasing the figures to coincide with the start of Volunteers’ Week, the charity says there are a number of reasons for the record high, including making its confidential helpline free to callers.

Samaritans’ report, Dying from Inequality, published earlier this year, shows strong links between socioeconomic deprivation and suicidal behaviour. The charity launched its 116 123 free to call number in the autumn of 2015, supported by telecoms companies and the Big Lottery Fund. It’s free to call from any phone, even a mobile with no credit, and the number doesn’t show up on phone bills.

Samaritans volunteers are based in more than 200 branches across the UK and Ireland. As well as responding to calls, emails, text and letters, they talk to people face to face. They also offer emotional support everywhere from schools, workplaces, communities, festivals and events to prisons, hospitals, courts, custody suites, homeless shelters and food banks.

Volunteers also support the public, emergency services and others in communities facing serious trauma, for example the Croydon tram disaster, the Westminster attack and, more recently, the Manchester bombing.

David Ashton is a volunteer for Samaritans in Liverpool.

He said: “Life is tough and sadly there are all too many factors that can lead to people feeling overwhelmed. We’re trained to give people the time and space to work through even the most difficult thoughts and feelings. Whoever you are, wherever you’re from, we’ll listen to what’s going on in your life. For me, that’s what makes the difference."

Suicide is not inevitable, its preventable and everyone has a role to play, from politicians, parents and health workers to employers, businesses and the media - Ruth Sutherland, Samaritans chief executive

Samaritans chief executive Ruth Sutherland said: “Suicide is complex but it’s often an inequality issue, and a number of factors, including deprivation, can put you at increased risk. Even 2p a minute was enough to deter some callers, which is why we were determined to make all calls to Samaritans free. These figures show our volunteers are making the difference by being there for increasing numbers of people, but we’re just one part of the equation.

"I’m calling on candidates from all parties in next week’s election to put suicide prevention high on the agenda if they are elected. Suicide is not inevitable, its preventable and everyone has a role to play, from politicians, parents and health workers to employers, businesses and the media. We need to empower those at risk to reach out for help, knowing the right resources and support will be in place when they do.”

Samaritans’ Dying from Inequality report calls for better emotional support for people facing job insecurity, poor housing and unmanageable debt. The charity has been working with partners such as the rail industry to promote its free to call number in stations, hospitals, GP surgeries and on the sides of buses, through its We Listen campaign.

Samaritans chair Jenni McCartney, who has been a volunteer for more than 30 years, said: “I am proud of the way in which our volunteers are there for anyone who needs us, whatever they are going through. Disadvantage can aggravate life’s challenges and make people more vulnerable to suicidal thoughts. If we all work together to address inequality, we will save lives.”

Samaritans is marking Volunteers’ Week with a series of events aimed at thanking everyone who gives their time for free to help achieve its mission, that fewer people die by suicide. It’s also asking the public to demand that prospective MPs make suicide prevention a priority.



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Tony McLaren
almost 8 years ago
Fantastic resource giving people options in their distress. Great volunteers.
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