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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

Scotland to benefit from £1.4m Children in Need cash

This news post is about 9 years old

​Pudsey has unveiled the latest Scottish recipients of funding awards

Projects working with disadvantaged children and young people across Scotland are set to get a boost of £1,445,431 from BBC Children in Need.

A total of 18 projects will benefit from the charity’s latest allocation of grants, with additional funding to be awarded during the year ahead.

The first release of seven funding allocations for 2016, means that BBC Children in Need now funds over 240 projects in Scotland, with nearly £12 million invested to benefit young lives across the country.

Within the new funding the charity has awarded one of its largest ever grants in Scotland with £142,398 pledged to the Boomerang Community Centre in Dundee. The award is the biggest grant made in Dundee to date and will be used over three years to support the centre’s vital youth work with locals aged 5-16 living in areas of deprivation. The money will help pay for six youth workers as well as activities, trips and equipment for the group.

To put it simply, this funding means that we can grow our team and work with even more young people from the local area

Neil Ellis, project manager for the centre, said: “To put it simply, this funding means that we can grow our team and work with even more young people from the local area.

“We’re over the moon to receive funding again, and to learn that we’re receiving the biggest ever grant for Dundee was a proud moment for all involved.”

Elsewhere Venture Trust has been awarded £37,397 to fund its On the Hoof residential personal development courses which use activities with horses to work with disadvantaged young people with learning disabilities.

Glasgow-based group Young Peoples Futures will also benefit from funding with £86,865 secured to continue its weekly activity programmes, working closely with both young people and their families living in an area of deprivation. The grant will run for three years and will benefit over 200 local youngsters.

Another beneficiary is Voluntary Action Shetland which has secured £108,182 in funding to continue its work with disabled young people. It runs a befriending scheme to match young people with volunteers, ensuring they too can have fun, while increasing confidence levels and promoting social inclusion.

Mary Duffy, national Head of BBC Children in Need in Scotland, added: “At BBC Children in Need we fund projects making a real difference to young lives and so we’re delighted to be awarding this new funding across Scotland, knowing that it will work with some of the local children and young people who need it most.

“This round saw the most intense competition for funds to date, with some tough decisions about which projects to fund, so we are more grateful than ever for the great public support. Thank you all.”

Want to apply for a BBC Children in Need grant?

BBC Children in Need funds two types of grants, both of which are open to new applicants. A small grants programme includes grants up to and including £10,000, which supports projects for one year, while the main grants programme is for grants over £10,000 per year to support projects for up to three years. Projects working children and young people facing any kind of disadvantage can find out more on how to apply for funding at