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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

Scots chief executives recognised for top Tweets

This news post is over 10 years old

Top 30 charity chief executives recognised for their social media presence

Two heads of Scottish charities have been named in the Top 30 most influential social media users in the UK.

Louise Macdonald, chief executive of Young Scot (@louisemac) and Jonny Hughes, who heads up the Scottish Wildlife Trust, (@jonnyecology) were included in the list compiled by digital research guru Zoe Amar.

Some 100 chief executives were nominated for the accolade with the 30 winners decided by a judging panel made up of Simon Blake, chief executive of Brook, Lucy Caldicott, director of fundraising at Clic Sargent and Dalton Leong, chief executive of the Children’s Trust, who all made the list last year.

Twenty new names were included on the list this year with Amar saying this year’s 30 really raised the bar.

She said: "This year’s winners are pioneering the use of digital by leaders from charities of all kinds,” she said.

“They demonstrate how social media is now central to the skillset of CEOs, and how having leaders on digital helps charities be more visible and transparent.”

Others on the list include Caron Bradshaw, Charity Finance Group, (@caornlb), Javed Khan, Barnardo’s (@javedkhanceo) and Kevin Murphy, Voluntary Arts Ireland (@kpmurphy557).

Judge Simon Blake added: “The confidence with which chief executives seem to be using social media had grown.”

Top 30 Twitter users (in alphabetical order)

  • Debra Allcock Tyler, Directory of Social Change, @deballcocktyler
  • Deborah Alsina, Bowel Cancer UK, @deboralsina
  • Cathy Ashley, Family Rights Group, @CathyAshley
  • Julie Bentley, Girlguiding, @juliebentley
  • Caron Bradshaw, Charity Finance Group, @caornlb
  • Paul Breckell, Action on Hearing Loss, @pbreckell
  • Vicky Browning, Charity Comms, @browning_vicky
  • Ava Easton, the Encephalitis Society, @encephalitisava
  • Nigel Edwards, Nuffield Trust, @nedwards_1
  • Paul Farmer, Mind, @paulfarmermind
  • Mark Flannagan, Beating Bowel Cancer, @MarkFlannCEO
  • Richard Hawkes, Scope, @R_Hawkes
  • John Hibbs, the Hibbs Lups Trust, @hibbsy
  • Helena Holt, Devon Air Ambulance Trust, @hgholt
  • Jonny Hughes, Scottish Wildlife Trust, @jonnyecology
  • Ruth Hunt, Stonewall, @ruth_hunt
  • Karen Ingala Smith, nia, @K_IngalaSmith
  • Javed Khan, Barnardo’s, @javedkhanceo
  • Kevin Kibble, the Nurture Group Network, @kevinkibble
  • Louise Macdonald, Young Scot, @louisemac
  • John May, the Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award, @johnccmay
  • Kevin Murphy, Voluntary Arts Ireland, @kpmurphy557
  • Polly Neate, Women’s Aid, @pollyn1
  • Ruth Owen, Whizzkidz @ruthowenobe
  • Lucy Perry, Hamlin Fistula Ethiopia, @LucyPerryCEO
  • Cliff Prior, UnLtd, @cliffprior
  • Janie Tregelles, Mencap, @JanTregelles
  • Peter Wanless, NSPCC, @PeterWanless
  • Imogen Ward, Lessons for Life Foundation, @imogenward
  • Jamie Ward-Smith, IVO/Do-it, @jamiewardsmith