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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

Scots heading to Paris for a weekend of activism

This news post is over 9 years old

Friends of the Earth Scotland is running a bus to the French capital to coincide with the end of climate change talks

Dozens of Scots are heading off to the culmination of the Paris climate talks carrying a message that citizens are now leading the way in the fight against climate change.

Friends of the Earth Scotland is running a coach load of 50 activists from Edinburgh to the French capital and will arrive tomorrow (Friday) on the final day of negotiations, hoping that their presence will have some influence on the world’s leaders.

The group includes a wide range of people including those who work in community energy, food campaigning plus students and retired people, and spans a range of ages, backgrounds and motivations for going.

Scots heading to Paris for a weekend of activism

These UN talks were always unlikely to provide a just or fair solution to the climate crisis so we will connect the visitors from Scotland with people facing similar struggles across Europe

Dr Richard Dixon

Many fear the Paris talks will produce a deal that fails to deliver protection for the most vulnerable, and sees countries who have got rich through fossil fuels shirking their responsibility for solving the problem.

Activists want emissions cut to limit the global temperature rise to 1.5°C but current proposals from world leaders would put us on track for a temperature rise of 3 to 4°C.

The Scottish activists will join a Friends of the Earth International event in Paris on Friday featuring a day of speakers, music, discussion and networking.

On Saturday, the contingent will join thousands of others from the French Coalition Climat 21 and Friends of the Earth France. Together, in small groups, they will legally and peacefully map a giant message of climate justice and peace across the streets of Paris.

Dr Richard Dixon, director of Friends of the Earth Scotland, said: “Many of these people are already active campaigners on issues like food, fracking or land reform but for some Paris will be the start of a longer personal journey around climate change.

“These UN talks were always unlikely to provide a just or fair solution to the climate crisis so we will connect the visitors from Scotland with people facing similar struggles across Europe and around the world, helping to inspire the movement to make Scotland fossil free.”

Robin Duval who works in community renewables in Edinburgh is one of the activists heading to Paris. He said: “I’m going to Paris to link up with other communities to share stories of Scotland’s success and learn about their experiences.

“Together we will demand greater political support right across the world to ensure that more people can take control of their energy future.”

Lisa Seary lives in the traditional crofting township of Bhuirgh /Borve in the Outer Hebrides and is a member of the Scottish Crofting Federation. She said: “Global leaders have repeatedly failed to choose a safe, clean, renewable energy future and to put the needs of people before short-term business interests or political gain.

“People are now showing politicians that there is another way and demanding that they follow.”

You can follow what’s happening through Twitter with @FoEScot and through the Stop Climate Chaos Scotland daily blogs.