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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

Scots want MSPs to reconsider law on assisted dying

This news post is almost 4 years old

Campaigners want laws changed

A new poll has revealed overwhelming support among Scots for the Scottish Parliament to reconsider the law on assisted dying. 

The research, commissioned by campaign group Dignity in Dying Scotland, found that 86% of the public think the Scottish Parliament should examine the issue, and more than three quarters of those asked think this should be done within two years. 

Ally Thomson, director of Dignity in Dying Scotland, said: “The latest figures clearly illustrate a strong appetite among Scots for action to introduce a safe and compassionate assisted dying law. 

“The time has come to replace the outdated blanket ban, currently in place with legislation which is aligned with public opinion. Dying citizens cannot afford to wait to know that they will be able to access a peaceful and dignified death so we are urging the Scottish Parliament to listen to the public and address this issue urgently.

The poll of 1,148 adults in Scotland was carried out by Diffley Partnership. It found almost identical levels of support among women and men for the law to be reconsidered at Holyrood soon – and a clear majority across all age groups and in every region of the country.

Thomson added: “The law as it stands is unjust, unfair and unsustainable, forcing Scots facing a bad death to make agonising choices including travelling to Switzerland to die or taking matters into their own hands rather than suffering slow, painful deaths.

“This is not acceptable in a modern society and should not be tolerated any further.  It is a priority for the people and as such a priority for this parliament.”



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Alex Thorburn
over 3 years ago

How many times does the AS lobby need to be told that the so-called "safeguards" do not work and they have not worked in any legislature that has legitimised AS (or for any of the euphemisms employed). In every one there has been "slippage" from what was originally intended by the legislation as campaigners continue their fight to have the right to AS widened to include more and more sections of society. I have been supporting other disabled people throughout the UK for over 25 years and have listened to them as the fears of AS grew with every new case seen in the media. Even children, alcoholics, prisoners and people with mental health problems in some jurisdictions have been allowed AS. That is why no DPO (Disabled People's Organisation) in the UK supports AS. As far as the spurious and contentious figures used to support this to be debated at Holyrood - yet again, are concerned, it would be funny if it were not so serious and with potentially catastrophic consequences.

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