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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

Scottish charity takes the global hunger message to the steps of Number 10

This news post is over 1 year old

Loud and clear message delivered before food summit

Ahead of a major global summit on food security in London, SCIAF has delivered calls from people across Scotland for the UK government to tackle the global hunger crisis. 

In August the aid charity asked supporters to put pressure on Rishi Sunak’s government as millions of people around the world continue to face the grim reality of famine.   

And they did not disappoint. 1,500 people, covering every constituency in Scotland, signed a letter with three simple asks around food security.  

And SCIAF has now taken that loud and clear message that message to the steps of Number 10, askingthe UK government to serve up change for millions around the world. 

SCIAF’s Anne Callaghan was joined by London-based SCIAF supporter Amber Morris to deliver the message straight to Mr Sunak’s front door. 

She said: “There are many factors contributing to the global food crisis – but it remains the case that there is enough food on earth to go round – it’s just the system that’s broken. 

“It's wrong that while so many people across the world go hungry, others have too much food. 

“We asked SCIAF supporters to add their name to our letter which calls for three things – more food aid for East Africa, reversing the overseas aid budget cuts and an overall system change to promote sustainable forms of agriculture across the world. 

“Thanks to everyone who stood with us against food justice, and for standing in solidarity with people facing the global hunger crisis. It’s time for action on global hunger. It’s time to serve up change.”  

The food summit on Monday, 20 November is being seen as an opportunity to inspire renewed global ambition to make sure everyone, everywhere, has access to enough food.  

Anne said: “It is vital that this summit delivers the real change we need to see in the world and puts the needs of the poorest front and centre. This petition shows that people across Scotland support the government to do all it can to help our brothers and sisters around the world.”