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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

Scottish Children's Lottery grants £300,000 to 51 charities 

This news post is 11 months old

Over 25,000 children and young people will be supported with the funding boosts. 

The Scottish Children's Lottery, in partnership with the Scottish Children's Lottery Trust, has announced a grant of £300,000 to support 51 charities across the country. 

This fantastic news is set to bring positive change to over 25,000 children and young people throughout Scotland.

The Scottish Children's Lottery envisions a Scotland where every child is empowered to achieve their potential, triumphing over any challenges that cross their path.

Scott Millar, head of charity operations at the Scottish Children's Lottery, said: "We're thrilled to unveil this significant funding that will drive projects dedicated to helping children and young people all across Scotland. 

“Our goal is to ensure that every child and young person has equal opportunities, regardless of the obstacles they may encounter."

The Scottish Children's Lottery has thanked every supporter, ticket holder, and partner who played a role in making these funding opportunities possible. 

The Scottish Children’s Lottery was launched in 2016 to raise funds for, and improve the lives of, young people right across Scotland.

It gives players the chance to win prizes of up to £25,000 while donating to children’s charities across Scotland.

Over £7.8million has been raised for charities to date. 

Forces Children Scotland received £5,000 for their Family Support Service, while Dundee Rep and Scottish Dance Theatre Ltd received £10,000 for their Dundee’s Claypotts Primary School Residency Programme.

Honeypot Children’s Charity received £10,000 for their respite break projects, with a further £5,000 going to Edinburgh Science Foundation to support their Generation Science programme.

Simmi Woodwal, chief executive officer of Honeypot Children's Charity, said: “Residential respite breaks have been at the heart of Honeypot Children's Charity's service for more than 25 years in our current two respite houses Hampshire and Wales. 

“It has been a long-term goal of the charity to offer breaks to fatigued and anxious young carers in Scotland to allow time to play, socialise with peers with shared experience, and interact with supportive, encouraging adults. 

“We are thrilled to be awarded £10,000 from the Scottish Children's Lottery to fund the very first two respite breaks for young carers in Scotland at our new respite facility, Honeypot Dalleagels, in East Ayrshire.

“The funding will allow 24 young carers from Scotland aged 5 -12 years old to take a break from demanding and stressful responsibilities at home and provide a safe, nurturing environment where each child is treated as an individual, their personal needs are catered for, and they are encouraged to develop their full potential.

“We are very grateful to the Scottish Children's Lottery for providing the opportunity to build a brighter future for young carers in Scotland and to create happy childhood memories that they will cherish for a lifetime.”