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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

Scottish Fundraising Adjudication Panel announces appointment of co-chairs

This news post is about 1 year old

The pair will be the first ever to take on the role. 

Morna Black and Stephen Shirres have been unanimously elected to lead the Scottish Fundraising Adjudication Panel as co-chairs for the first time in the Panel’s history.

Effective from 1st January 2024, Morna and Stephen took over the position from Zoë Barbour who stepped down from the Panel after five years - serving as treasurer for 3 years, vice chair for a year and chair for the latter year of her membership. 

Morna joined the Panel in May 2022 and was appointed to the position of vice chair in January 2023.

She has worked in development research for over 20 years with a diverse background in philanthropic projects such as capital campaigns, major gifts, research analytics and in strategic research management. 

Morna is currently employed as the research manager in the University of Glasgow’s development and alumni office.

She said: “I am pleased to accept the role of co-chair and to be working with Stephen to lead the Scottish Fundraising Adjudication Panel.

Fundraising regulation and confidence in the charitable sector are essential for the prosperity of charitable giving and the Panel will continue to strive to strengthen the sector.

“I’d like to express my gratitude to outgoing chair Zoë Barbour for her leadership as she moves on from the Panel and wish her the very best of luck.”

Stephen Shirres has been a member of the Panel since August 2022 and was appointed to the position of treasurer in February 2023.

He has over 15 years of experience in Scottish fundraising, working with charities including the British Red Cross, Poppyscotland, St Margaret of Scotland Hospice and tide (Together in Dementia Everyday). 

During this time, he has worked across a range of funding streams, including community, events, corporate, trusts and foundations and individual giving.

Stephen is currently employed as fundraising governance and compliance manager at Cats Protection.

He said: “I was honoured to be selected as co-chair along with Morna and I am pleased to be continuing to support fundraising and Scotland’s charities through the Panel’s work.

The Panel will continue to work with charities and sector bodies to promote and safeguard a robust fundraising regulation system.”

The Panel were also pleased to welcome Zoe Greenfield to the Independent Fundraising Standards and Adjudication Panel for Scotland in November.

Zoe is a freelance consultant with extensive experience of working with charities and social enterprises in Scotland and internationally. 

Her experience includes trusts and foundations, major donor, corporate, community and events fundraising.